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2016/2017 fcc catalog


• 301.846.2400

The complainant and respondent may submit

any additional comments or information to the

Title IX Coordinator within five (5) workdays of

being provided the draft investigation report for

review. This is the final opportunity for the parties

to identify any additional information or witnesses

and review their statements for accuracy. After the

five-day opportunity for both parties to review the

draft investigation report, the Title IX Coordinator

will submit the final investigation report, which

incorporates any additional information provided

by both parties, to the appropriate College

employee(s) for a judgment based on the nature

of the complaint as follows:

• For complaints involving only employees – to

the supervising Associate Vice President or

supervising Vice Presidents, or their designees

• For complaints involving only students – to the

AVP/Dean of Students

• For complaints involving both a student and an

employee – to the supervising Associate Vice

President or supervising Vice Presidents, or their

designees and the AVP/Dean of Students


After reviewing the final investigation report,

and meeting with the complainant and

respondent separately, the appropriate College

employee(s) will make a judgment as to whether

there has been a violation of the Title IX Sexual

Misconduct Policy. The judgment will be based

upon a preponderance of the evidence and

sanctions will be imposed, if warranted. Both the

complainant and the respondent will be notified

in writing of the judgment and the sanctions

imposed within five (5) workdays of receipt of

the final investigation report.


The complainant as well as the respondent

have the right to request a hearing with the

Title IX Council to appeal the judgment and/

or the imposition of sanctions for Title IX sexual

misconduct violations. Appeals shall be in

writing and must be submitted to the Title IX

Coordinator within five (5) workdays of the


Appeal Hearing Procedures for the Title IX


The Title IX Council will conduct a hearing on all

appeals of judgment/sanctions related to Title IX

sexual misconduct. The hearing shall be closed

to the public and will be taped or transcribed.

Failure of the individual who requested the

appeal to appear for the hearing, without

prior notification or evidence of extenuating

circumstances, waives his/her right for further

appeal and the judgment and sanctions will


The first hearing session shall be limited to the

complainant and respondent, other individuals

with personal knowledge of relevant facts who

will be presented as witnesses, and persons

contractually engaged by the College for the

purposes of the hearing (e.g., transcriptionists,

medical doctor, etc.). Representation by legal

counsel is not allowed in the hearing. Each party

may have however, a College Support Person of

their choice. During the hearing, the complainant

and respondent will have an equal opportunity

to be heard.

The Title IX Council may then meet separately

with each party in a session which will be closed

to the other party. Likewise, the Title IX Council

will meet with available witnesses in sessions,

which will be closed to the parties.

After consideration of all relevant information,

the Title IX Council will make its own

determination by a preponderance of the

evidence. The Title IX Council may affirm, modify,

or reject the judgment/sanctions regarding the

policy violation, and/or return the outcome to

the Title IX Coordinator to conduct additional

investigation before completing its review. All

Title IX Council decisions require a majority vote

and shall be accompanied by an explanation

of the rationale for the decision of the Title IX


The Title IX Council will have five (5) workdays to

make a determination as to whether to affirm,

modify, or reject the judgment/sanctions of the

Title IX sexual misconduct. In the event the Title

IX Council requests additional investigation,

the five (5) day timeline may be extended by

the Title IX Coordinator to accommodate any

additional investigation and reconsideration by

the Title IX Council, as needed.

The Title IX Council shall issue its determination

to the Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX

Coordinator will then issue a formal notice of

the Title IX Council decision to both parties,

separately and simultaneously. The notice of

the Title IX Council decision on the appeal shall

include a reference to the specific prohibited

conduct at issue, a summary of the investigation

and the Title IX Council stated rationale for its

decision regarding the appeal of the judgment/

sanctions. Copies of the notice of the Title IX

Council decision will be sent to the appropriate

supervisor, department chair or unit head,

Dean, and Provost or designee and other

administrators, as necessary on a need-to-know


Appeal of the Title IX Council Decision

If the student wishes to appeal the decision of

the Title IX Council, he or she may do so to the

College President. Appeals shall be in writing and

submitted to the Human Resources office, 7932

Opossumtown Pike, Frederick, MD 21702, Suite

223 of Gambrill Hall, within five (5) workdays of

the notification of the Title IX Council decision.

The President will consider the appeal based on

one of the following grounds:

1. The Title IX Council did not adhere to the

prescribed procedures.

2. The decision reached by the Council did

not meet the standard of preponderance of


3. A claim that new evidence or facts should

be considered that were unknown and/or

unavailable at the time of the Title IX Council


4. Evidence that bias existed.

5. Finding of not-guilty in a criminal trial for the

same offense, if the avenues of appeal have not

already been exhausted.

An employee may appeal the Title IX sexual

misconduct judgment/sanctions in writing

through the applicable College grievance

procedure. All appeals shall be submitted to the

Human Resources office, 7932 Opossumtown

Pike, Frederick, MD 21702, Suite 223 of Gambrill

Hall, within five (5) workdays of the judgment/

sanctions. The Title IX Coordinator will refer the

appeal to the appropriate grievance/appeal


Final Outcome Notice

After the judgment and sanctions become

final and all appeals, if any, are exhausted, the

Title IX Coordinator shall issue a written final

outcome notice to both parties, separately and

simultaneously. Issuance of the final outcome

notice completes the investigation and

adjudication of the complaint under this Policy.

XI. Records

All records pertaining to Title IX sexual

misconduct are maintained by the Title IX

Coordinator using the Secured College Tracking

System. The College Chief of Security maintains

Clery Act records. Seven years is the minimum

for retention of Title IX sexual misconduct

reports. Employee records will be kept longer,

to allow for a full employment history to be on

file. Situations that result in separation from the

College, for both students and employees, are

often kept indefinitely.