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2016/2017 fcc catalog

X. Time and Place of Inspection

A. An Applicant may inspect any public record of

FCC that the Applicant is entitled to inspect during

normal workdays.

B. The inspection shall occur where the public

record is located, unless the PIO, after taking into

account the Applicant’s expressed wish, determines

that another place is more suitable and convenient.

Safety & Security Policy

A. Frederick Community College is committed

to a workplace and campus environment free of

violence or threat of violence. The College will not

tolerate, condone, or ignore intimidating, hostile

or threatening behavior by employees, students,

vendors, visitors, or others on campus, in other FCC

owned or leased facilities, or at FCC sponsored events

regardless of their locations.

B. Frederick Community College is committed to

providing a safe and secure learning and working

environment for all students, employees, and visitors

on campus. Campus safety and security procedures

comply with Title II of the Crime Awareness and

Campus Security Act of 1990, as amended, the Health

Insurance Protection and Portability Act of 1996, and

other appropriate local, State and federal regulations.

C. Frederick Community College uses silent video

technology at all of its campus locations to ensure a

safe and secure learning and working environment

for all College students, employees, and visitors. Silent

video technology is used selectively and strategically

on campus for monitoring areas where situations

might merit it (e.g., Testing Center, parking lots,

building entrances, etc.). Silent video technology

shall not infringe upon Academic Freedom (policy

4.00). The President’s Administrative Staff (PAS),

in consultation with others as appropriate, will

determine the specific instances and locations that

necessitate the use of silent video technology on

campus. The College utilizes visible signage and

published information to notify employees, students,

and the public that silent video technology is in use

on campus.

Student Publications Policy

The College recognizes the advantages of College-

sponsored student publications. It is recommended

that their content should be positive and

constructive. However, the editorial freedom enjoyed

by students is to be governed by the canons of

responsible journalism.

Student Withdrawal Policy

and Procedures

I. Philosophy and Scope

Frederick Community College (“FCC” or the

“College”) is committed to enhancing student

persistence, success, and completion. The College

recognizes that circumstances may arise whereby

a student feels it is in his/her best interest to

withdraw from a credit course. Students should

consult with their instructor, an academic advisor,

or a counselor prior to making a decision to

withdraw. Students who wish to drop a continuing

education course should follow the Tuition Refund

Policy and Procedures



There may be circumstances where the College

determines that it is in the best interest of a

student or the College community to initiate an

administrative withdrawal of a student from a

credit or continuing education course.

II. Definitions for the Purpose of this Policy

and Procedures



means a student-initiated

action to withdraw from a course after the

Add/Drop period, but within the Withdrawal

Period; the student will remain on the roster

with inactive status, having no obligation to

complete any further coursework or attend class;

the student will receive a grade of “W” on his/

her transcript which is not calculated into the

grade point average; the course withdrawal may

impact the student’s academic standing and

financial aid.


“Withdrawal Period”

means the period of

time in which students can withdraw from a

course which occurs after the Add/Drop period

and concludes on a specific date as published in

the Schedule of Classes.


“Retroactive Withdrawal”

means a

student-initiated request to the Admissions and

Academic Policies Committee to withdraw from

a course after the Withdrawal Period.


“Administrative Withdrawal”

refers to action

taken by the College resulting in withdrawal of a

student from a course or courses.



refers to the Behavior Evaluation and

Response Team, comprised of campus officials

who receive and evaluate faculty and staff

concerns regarding student behavior that may

be disruptive, self-injurious, or potentially pose

a risk of harm to the health, safety, or property

of any person or of the College, or otherwise be



“College community”

includes trustees,

students, and all employees of the College as

well as any independent contractors or other

third parties to the extent articulated under

contractual agreements.


“College Support Person”

means an

employee of the College chosen to accompany

and assist a student during an appeal hearing.

A student is entitled to have a College Support

Person of his/her choice. The College Support

Person cannot be a fact witness or provide

statements in the proceedings. The College

Support Person is a non-participant who is

present to assist a student by taking notes or

providing emotional support and reassurance.


“Student Request for Reenrollment


refers to a standing committee

of the College to whom students may request

consideration of reenrollment.


“Direct Threat”

is defined as a high probability

of substantial harm to the health and safety of



“Formal Assessment”

refers to a

comprehensive mental health evaluation or

medical assessment that results in an evaluative

report that is rendered by a licensed mental

health or medical provider.


“Individual Assessment”

refers to an

assessment that relies on current medical

knowledge or on the best available objective

evidence, to reasonably determine whether a

student poses a direct threat to the health or

safety of others.


“Non-punitive temporary separation”

refers to a temporary separation of a student

from the College that is not a disciplinary



“Qualified Professional”

refers to an

individual who is licensed to practice in the field

of mental health or medicine.



means Monday through Friday

when the College is officially open for business

and does not include weekends, holidays, or

other days the College is closed.

III. Withdrawal

A. Students may withdraw from a credit course(s)

after the defined Add/Drop period but before the

published deadline in the Schedule of Classes.

Students who withdraw from a credit course(s) will

receive a grade of “W.”The withdrawn credit course

and the grade of “W” will appear on the student’s

transcript, however, no credit or quality points will

be assigned. Students must submit a completed

Add/Drop form to the Welcome Center or they may

withdraw online via PeopleSoft.

For athletes, veterans, financial aid recipients,

and international students, a “W”may have an

adverse impact on their athletic eligibility, housing

allowance, veterans’ benefits, financial obligation,

academic progress, or visa status. Because of the

potential impact of a withdrawal, students should

confer with the Counseling & Advising Office,

Financial Aid Office, Veterans Center, or Athletic

Director prior to initiating a course withdrawal.

B. Procedures for Withdrawal