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2016/2017 fcc catalog


ID 110–Media and Human Values (3)

ID 113–Introduction to Leadership (3)

ID 200H–Honors Seminar: Special Topics in

Interdisciplinary Studies (3)

ID 209–Ethnic Diversity (3)

ID 220–World War II Through Film (3)

ID 222–The Sixties (3)

ID 225–Disaster, Crisis and Emergency Management


ID 250–Global Scholar Experience

ID 260–The Language of Hip Hop (3)

Multicultural Issues & Perspectives

ACE 101–Academic Engagement Seminar (3)

ASLS 106–Introduction to the Deaf Community (3)

BU 281–Global Awareness/Work Environment (3)

EN 227–Literature: Multicultural Perspectives (3)

GG 201–Urban Social Geography (3)

HI 217–African-American History (3)

ID 250–Global Scholar Experience

MU 108–Survey of World Music (3)

PS 209–Women’s Studies: A Multicultural Perspective

on the Psychology & Sociology of Women (3)

4. Mathematics

MA 103–Foundations of Mathematics (3)

MA 103A–Foundations of Mathematics with Algebra

MA 111–Precalculus (4)

MA 130–College Algebra (3)

MA 131–Trigonometry with Analytic Geometry (3)

MA 201–Applied Calculus (3)

BU/MA 205–Business Statistics (3)

BU-MA 205A–Business Statistics with Algebra

MA 206–Elementary Statistics (3)

MA 206A–Elementary Statistics with Algebra

MA 207–Elementary Statistics with Probability (4)

MA 207A–Elementary Statistics with Probability and


MA 210–Calculus I (4)

MA 211–Calculus II (4)

5. Science

BI 100–Fundamental Concepts of Biology (4)

BI 101–General Biology (4)

BI 102–General Biology (4)

BI 103–Anatomy & Physiology (4)

BI 104–Anatomy & Physiology (4)

BI 107–Human Biology (4)

BI 117–Study of the Human Body (3)

BI 120–Microbiology for Allied Health (4)

BI 130–Forensic Biology (4)

BI 140–Biotechnology and Society (3)

BI 201–General Ecology (4)

BI 202–Human Ecology (3)

CH 100–Chemistry & Society (4)

CH 101–General Chemistry (4)

CH 102–General Chemistry (4)

PC 103–Elements of Physical Science (3)

PC 104–The Water Planet: Intro. to Oceanography (3)

PC 105–Introduction to Science of Weather (3)

PC 106–Introduction to Meteorology (4)

PC 107–Introductory Astronomy (4)

PC 108–Historical Geology (4)

PC 109–Physical Geology (4)

PC 114–Contemporary Physical Science (4)

PC 115–Introduction to Geoscience (4)

PC 121–Energy and Society (3)

PY 101–Survey of Physics (3)

PY 201–Fundamentals of Physics (4)

PY 202–Fundamentals of Physics (4)

PY 203–Introductory Physics I (4)

PY 204–Introductory Physics II (4)

6. Social & Behavioral Sciences


AN 101–Introduction to Anthropology (3)


EC 201–Principles of Economics (Macro) (3)

EC 202–Principles of Economics (Micro) (3)


ED 102–Schools & Society (3)

ED/PS 208–Human Growth & Development (3)


GG 101–Elements of Geography (3)

GG 102–Cultural Geography (3)

GG 201–Urban Social Geography (3)


HI 101–History of Western Civilization (3)

HI 102–History of Western Civilization (3)

HI 201–History of the United States (3)

HI 202–History of the United States (3)

HI 217–African-American History (3)

Human Services

HS 102–Human Relations (3)

Political Science

PI 104–American Government: National (3)


PS 101–General Psychology (3)

PS 202–Social Psychology (3)


SO 101–Introduction to Sociology (3)

SO 102–Social Problems (3)

* EN 102 can be taken to satisfy either the General

Education requirement in Communications or in

Humanities, but not both.

THR/EN 229 can be taken to satisfy either the

General Education requirement in Arts or in

Humanities, but not both.

HI 217 can be taken to satisfy either the General

Education requirement in Multicultural Issues &

Perspectives or in History, but not both.

EN 227 can be taken to satisfy either the

General Education requirement in Humanities or

Multicultural Issues & Perspectives, but not both.

ID 250 can be taken to satisfy either the General

Education requirement in Interdisciplinary or in

Multicultural Issues & Perspectives, but not both.

GG 201 can be taken to satisfy either the General

Education requirement in Multicultural Issues &

Perspectives or Geography, but not both.

MU 108 can be taken to satisfy either the General

Education requirement in Arts or in Multicultural

Issues & Perspectives, but not both.

Cultural Competence


Developing cultural competence is essential for living and

working in a diverse democratic society. As part of the

college’s degree requirements, students must complete

a class that is designated a cultural competence course.

Cultural competence courses expose students to the

knowledge and skills necessary to participate effectively

in dynamic, evolvingmulticultural contexts. Students

will not be required to take an additional course for

graduation; rather, courses can double-count to fulfill an

existing general education requirement as well as the

cultural competence requirement. Following is a list of

those courses that will fulfill the cultural competence


ACE 101–Academic Engagement Seminar

AN 101–Introduction to Anthropology

AN 103–Introduction to Archaeology

AR 103–Survey of Non-Western Art

AR 104–Survey of Art I

AR 105–Survey of Art II

ASLS 106–Introduction to the Deaf Community

BU 281–Global Awareness/Work Environment

CMSP 105–Small Group Communication

ED 203–Foundations of Special Education

EM 203–Social Impacts of Disaster

EN 205–World Literature

EN 206–World Literature

EN/CMM 218–Journalism Publication Practicum

EN 227–Literature: Multicultural Perspectives

EN 230–African American Literature

GG 102–Cultural Geography

GG 201–Urban Social Geography

HE 130– Tai Chi: A Cultural Perspective

HI 217–African-American History

HS 102–Human Relations

ID 209–Ethnic Diversity

ID 250 Global Scholar Experience

ID 260 The Language of Hip Hop

LF 201–Intermediate French I

LF 202–Intermediate French II

LS 201–Intermediate Spanish I

LS 202–Intermediate Spanish II

LS 211–Spanish Conversation

MU 108–Survey of World Music

NU 101–Introduction to Clinical Nursing

PH 204–World Religions

PH 210–Ethics and Film

PS 209–Women’s Studies: A Multicultural Perspective

on the Psychology & Sociology of Women

SO 102–Social Problems

ST 101–Introduction to Surgical Technology