www.frederick.edu• 301.846.2400
MUSC: Music
MUSC 101-Music History and Appreciation (3)
• Gen Ed Arts
Prerequisites: ENGL 70 or ENGL 75 or (ESOL 72 and ESOL
73) or ESOL 100 OR Co-requisite: ENGL 75 or ESOL 100
(formerly MU 101)
Traces the development of musical expression in
Western Art Music by providing an introduction of
musical elements such as melody, harmony, tone
color, rhythm, form, and texture. Students will be
able to identify style periods and representative
composers from the Middle Ages to the Modern
Era and demonstrate musical knowledge through
directed listening and topical writing assignments.
Music reading skills unnecessary.
MUSC 103-Fundamentals of Music (3)
• Gen Ed Arts
Prerequisites: ENGL 70 or ENGL 75 or (ESOL 72 and ESOL
73) or ESOL 100 OR Co-requisite: ENGL 75 or ESOL 100
(formerly MU 103)
Covers the basic elements of music such as note
reading, rhythm, scales, key signatures, and intervals.
Includes an introduction to fundamental keyboard
skills and simple ear training exercises. Intended for
students with limited musical knowledge who wish
to study music theory or learn to read music.
MUSC 106-Ear Training and Musicianship I (1)
Prerequisite: MUSC 103 or permission of department
(formerly MU 106)
Converts theoretical knowledge into practical
application through sight-singing, ear-training, and
rhythmic exercises. Study concepts are derived from
material introduced in Music Theory I, including
major and minor scales, intervals, sequential patterns
and simple melodies, rhythmic patterns, tempos, and
Concurrent enrollment in Music Theory (MUSC
111) and Ear Training and Musicianship I is required
of all music majors.
MUSC 107-Ear Training and Musicianship II (1)
Prerequisite: MUSC 106
(formerly MU 107)
Continues Ear Training and Musicianship I,
coordinated with material presented in Music
Theory II, including non-harmonic tones, chorale
style, syncopated rhythms, cadences, and harmonic
Concurrent enrollment in Music Theory II
(MUSC 112) and Ear Training and Musicianship II is
required of all music transfer majors.
MUSC 109-American Popular Music (3)
• Gen Ed Arts
Prerequisites: ENGL 70 or ENGL 75 or (ESOL 72 and ESOL
73) or ESOL 100 OR Co-requisite: ENGL 75 or ESOL 100
(formerly MU 109)
Surveys the development of American popular
music in the 20th and 21st centuries, including the
origins of both pop/rock styles, significant artists,
cross-pollination with other genres, and impact on
American culture. Selected pieces are examined in
detail through directed listening. Topical writing
assignments are required. Music reading skills
MUSC 111-Music Theory I (3)
Prerequisite: MUSC 103 or permission of department
(formerly MU 111)
Presents a study of diatonic harmony through a
review of music fundamentals, followed by an
introduction to two and four part writing, figured
bass and popular chord symbols, and theoretical
analyses of musical examples. Includes some
dictation and ear training drills.
Note: Concurrent enrollment in Music Theory I
and Ear Training and Musicianship I (MUSC 106) is
required of all music transfer majors.
MUSC 112-Music Theory II (3)
Prerequisite: MUSC 111
(formerly MU 112)
Reviews conventional 4-part writing practices and
introduces 7th chords, chord progressions, secondary
dominants, and modulations. Explores elementary
composition and harmonization techniques.
Note: Concurrent enrollment in Music Theory II
and Ear Training and Musicianship II (MUSC 107) is
required of all music transfer majors.
MUSC 117-Choral Ensemble I (1)
(formerly MU 117)
Presents a variety of choral literature for study and
performance. Open to all students, and provides an
ensemble option for the first year of study for music
majors. Students participate as members of the
Choral Arts Society of Frederick.
MUSC 118-Choral Ensemble I (1)
(formerly MU 118)
Presents a variety of choral literature for study and
performance. Open to all students, and provides an
ensemble option for the first year of study for music
majors. Students participate as members of the
Choral Arts Society of Frederick.
MUSC 119-Jazz Ensemble I (1)
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
(formerly MU 119)
Introduces jazz music and improvisation. Study of
jazz theory and harmony with practical application
on chosen instrument. Two lecture/rehearsal hours
weekly culminating in end of semester concert.
Open to all students with permission of instructor
and provides an ensemble option for the first year
of study for music majors. Individual instruction on
chosen instrument recommended concurrently.
MUSC 120-Jazz Ensemble I (1)
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
(formerly MU 120)
Introduces jazz music and improvisation. Study of
jazz theory and harmony with practical application
on chosen instrument. Two lecture/rehearsal hours
weekly culminating in end of semester concert.
Open to all students with permission of instructor
and provides an ensemble option for the first year
of study for music majors. Individual instruction on
chosen instrument recommended concurrently.
MUSC 121-Orchestral Ensemble I (1)
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
(formerly MU 121)
Presents great orchestral music of the Baroque,
Classical, Romantic, and Contemporary musical eras
as the basis for study and performance. Open to all
students with permission of instructor and provides
an ensemble option for the first year of study for
music majors. Individual instruction on chosen
instrument recommended concurrently.
MUSC 122-Orchestral Ensemble I (1)
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
(formerly MU 122)
Presents great orchestral music of the Baroque,
Classical, Romantic, and Contemporary musical eras
as the basis for study and performance. Open to all
students with permission of instructor and provides
an ensemble option for the first year of study for
music majors. Individual instruction on chosen
instrument recommended concurrently.
MUSC 123-Wind Ensemble I (1)
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
(formerly MU 123)
Presents a variety of wind ensemble literature as
the basis for further study and presentation. Open
to all students and provides an ensemble option for
the first year of study for music majors. Individual
instruction in chosen instrument recommended
2020 - 2021 FCC Academic Catalog