• 301.846.2400 163
PHED 170-Introduction to Health and Exercise
Sciences (3)
Prerequisites: ENGL 70 or ENGL 75 or (ESOL 72 and ESOL
73) or ESOL 100 OR Co-requisite: ENGL 75 or ESOL 100
(formerly PE 153)
Provides an orientation to the profession including
the relationship of physical education to education,
current trends and practices, career opportunities,
and areas of research. Theory course for physical
education majors.
PHED 175-Coaching Principles (3)
Prerequisites: ENGL 70 or ENGL 75 or (ESOL 72 and
ESOL 73) or ESOL 100
(formerly PE 236)
Provides student with the knowledge to become
an effective coach. Foundational areas of coaching
are presented, including coaching philosophy, sport
psychology, sport pedagogy, sport physiology and
sport management. Coaching certification is possible
through the American Sports Education Program.
PHED 180-Care and Prevention of Athletic
Injuries (3
Prerequisite or Co-requisite: ENGL 75 or ESOL 72 or
ESOL 100
(formerly PE 250)
Introduces the basic principles for care and
prevention of athletic injuries. Emphasis will be
placed on scientific applications for recognition,
diagnosis, classification, treatment and rehabilitation
of body.
PHED 185-Yoga (3)
(formerly PE 188)
Provides a holistic approach to understanding some
of the fundamental principles and philosophies
of yoga while also providing a weekly experiential
Hatha (physical) practice.
PHED 240-Fitness Assessment and Business
Practices (3)
Prerequisite: BSCI 201 or BI 103 or BSCI 117 or BI 107 or
permission of instructor
(formerly PE 249)
Investigates the various modes and protocols
used in fitness assessment and the relationship of
assessment to the Personal Training business.
PHED 250-Essentials of Personal Training (4)
Prerequisites: (PHED 152 or PE 241) and (PHED 150 or
PE 247) or permission of instructor; Prerequisite or Co-
requisite: PHED 240 or PE 249 or permission of instructor
(formerly PE 252)
Capstone course in the Personal Training Program
that leads to the NASM Personal Trainer certification.
Course combines 3-credit lecture and 2-credit lab.
PHIL: Philosophy
PHIL 101-Introduction to Philosophy (3)
• Gen Ed Humanities
Prerequisite: ENGL 70 or (ESOL 70 and ESOL 71) OR
Prerequisites or Co-requisites: ENGL 75 or ESOL 100
(formerly PH 101)
Surveys major questions addressed and arguments
made by many of the great philosophers. Sample
issues covered include: what is the nature of reality,
what makes us human, does God exist, and why is
there evil?
PHIL 102-Critical Thinking (3)
• Gen Ed Humanities
Prerequisites: ENGL 70 or ENGL 75 or (ESOL 72 and ESOL
73) or ESOL 100
Enhances critical thinking faculties through
thoughtful analysis of texts and ideas. Students
identify flaws in modes of thoughts, proper research
techniques, and other skills on how to engage in
proper argumentative discussion.
PHIL 105-Ethics (3)
• Gen Ed Humanities
Prerequisite: ENGL 70 or (ESOL 70 and ESOL 71) OR
Prerequisites or Co-requisites: ENGL 75 or ESOL 100
(formerly PH 205)
Introduces the problems and possibilities of moral
theory and ethical decision making. Explores the
application of these theories to specific moral issues
such as abortion and euthanasia.
PHIL 206-Symbolic Logic (3)
• Gen Ed Humanities
Prerequisite or Co-requisite: ENGL 101
(formerly PH 206)
Utilizes critical thinking skills to derive logical
conclusions through the use of symbolic logic
principles. Students will learn the basic structures of
logical argumentation. Logic can enhance your study
of computer programming, math, science, and law.
PHIL 207-Biomedical Ethics (3)
• Gen Ed Humanities
Prerequisite or Co-requisite: ENGL 101
(formerly PH 207)
Explores ethical theories and principles specifically
applied to issues of healthcare, death and dying,
genetics, and scientific inquiry.
PHIL 208-Business Ethics (3)
• Gen Ed Humanities
Prerequisite or Co-requisite: ENGL 101
(formerly PH 208)
Explores the application of ethical theories and
principles to specific situations addressed in the fields
of business, advertising, marketing, and economics.
PHIL 209-Environmental Ethics (3)
Prerequisite or Co-requisite: ENGL 101
(formerly PH 209)
Explores the relationship between humans and the
nonhuman environment, and guides students in
thinking more clearly, insightfully, and effectively
about that relationship. Texts from a variety of
philosophic traditions are explored in the context of
the most pressing ethical, political, and legal issues
concerning our treatment of the environment.
PHIL 210-Ethics and Film (3)
• Gen Ed Humanities, Cultural Competence
Prerequisite or Co-requisite: ENGL 101
(formerly PH 210)
Surveys philosophical reasoning through classic
literature and film about morality, ethics, and the
meanings of moral terms called meta-ethics. Some
ethical issues presented include: good character,
global health, justice, neocolonialism, genocide,
environmentalism, war, consumerism, and disciplines
such as bioethics and business ethics.
PHSC: Physical Science
PHSC 101-Survey of Physical Science (3)
• Gen Ed Science
Prerequisites: ENGL 70 or ENGL 75 or (ESOL 72 and
ESOL 73) or ESOL 100 AND [(Prerequisite: MATH 101A
or MATH 120A or MATH 145S)* OR (Prerequisite or
Co-requisite: MATH 101 or higher credit level (non-A or
S) MATH course) OR (appropriate score on mathematics
placement test)] *MATH 101A, MATH 120A, MATH 145S
can serve as prerequisites only, not co-requisites
(formerly PC 103)
Covers selected aspects of earth science, physics,
chemistry, and the quantitative relationships involved
in the behavior of matter. Uses simple experiments
to introduce scientific topics as needed. Restricted to
non-science majors. Students cannot receive credit
for both (PHSC 101 or PC 103) and (PHSC 111 or PC
PHSC 104-Survey of Oceanography (3)
• Gen Ed Science
Prerequisites: ENGL 70 or ENGL 75 or (ESOL 72 and
ESOL 73) or ESOL 100 AND [(Prerequisite: MATH 101A
or MATH 120A or MATH 145S)* OR (Prerequisite or
Co-requisite: MATH 101 or higher credit level (non-A or
S) MATH course) OR (appropriate score on mathematics
placement test)] *MATH 101A, MATH 120A, MATH 145S
can serve as prerequisites only, not co-requisites
(formerly PC 104)
Presents a study of the ocean as a dynamic and
changing entity. Emphasizes connections among
disciplines in and outside the areas of science.
Provides a basic understanding of scientific
questions, complexities and uncertainties involved
with the study and use of oceans.
Course Descriptions