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PHSC 105-Survey of Meteorology (3)
• Gen Ed Science
Prerequisites: ENGL 70 or ENGL 75 or (ESOL 72 and
ESOL 73) or ESOL 100 AND [(Prerequisite: MATH 101A
or MATH 120A or MATH 145S)* OR (Prerequisite or
Co-requisite: MATH 101 or higher credit level (non-A or
S) MATH course) OR (appropriate score on mathematics
placement test)] *MATH 101A, MATH 120A, MATH 145S
can serve as prerequisites only, not co-requisites
(formerly PC 105)
Surveys the basic physics of the atmosphere and
the diagnostic tools of the meteorologist. Includes
some discussion of applied meteorology, forecasting,
pollution, and climatology. Students cannot receive
credit for both (PHSC 105 or PC 105) and (PHSC 115
or PC 106).
PHSC 109-Energy and Society (3)
• Gen Ed Science
Prerequisites: ENGL 70 or ENGL 75 or (ESOL 72 and
ESOL 73) or ESOL 100 AND [(Prerequisite: MATH 101A
or MATH 120A or MATH 145S)* OR (Prerequisite or
Co-requisite: MATH 101 or higher credit level (non-A or
S) MATH course) OR (appropriate score on mathematics
placement test)] *MATH 101A, MATH 120A, MATH 145S
can serve as prerequisites only, not co-requisites
(formerly PC 121)
Explores the nature and properties of energy.
Emphasizes a scientific understanding of energy and
is role in the global society. Examines current and
alternative energy sources used to meet the needs
of a growing and developing society. Some Friday or
Saturday field trips.
PHSC 111-Introduction to Physical Science (4)
• Gen Ed Science
Prerequisites: ENGL 70 or ENGL 75 or (ESOL 72 and
ESOL 73) or ESOL 100 AND [(Prerequisite: MATH 101A
or MATH 120A or MATH 145S)* OR (Prerequisite or
Co-requisite: MATH 101 or higher credit level (non-A or
S) MATH course) OR (appropriate score on mathematics
placement test)] *MATH 101A, MATH 120A, MATH 145S
can serve as prerequisites only, not co-requisites
(formerly PC 114)
Introduces the fundamental concepts of physics
and chemistry with an emphasis on matter, motion,
and energy. An inquiry-based, activities-oriented
approach is used that emphasizes both conceptual
and quantitative understandings of the physical
world. Meets the requirement of a general education
science lab course. Students cannot receive credit for
both (PHSC 111 or PC 114) and (PHSC 101 or PC 103).
PHSC 112-Introduction to Earth Systems
Science (4)
• Gen Ed Science
Prerequisites: ENGL 70 or ENGL 75 or (ESOL 72 and
ESOL 73) or ESOL 100 AND [(Prerequisite: MATH 101A
or MATH 120A or MATH 145S)* OR (Prerequisite or
Co-requisite: MATH 101 or higher credit level (non-A or
S) MATH course) OR (appropriate score on mathematics
placement test)] *MATH 101A, MATH 120A, MATH 145S
can serve as prerequisites only, not co-requisites
(formerly PC 115)
Presents an overview of the solid, fluid, and living
parts of the Earth system with an emphasis on how
those parts are interconnected and ever changing.
An inquiry-based, activities-oriented approach is
used in the course. Meets the requirement for a
general education science lab course.
PHSC 115-Introduction to Meteorology (4)
• Gen Ed Science
Prerequisites: ENGL 70 or ENGL 75 or (ESOL 72 and
ESOL 73) or ESOL 100 AND [(Prerequisite: MATH 101A
or MATH 120A or MATH 145S)* OR (Prerequisite or
Co-requisite: MATH 101 or higher credit level (non-A or
S) MATH course) OR (appropriate score on mathematics
placement test)] *MATH 101A, MATH 120A, MATH 145S
can serve as prerequisites only, not co-requisites
(formerly PC 106)
Surveys the basic physics of the atmosphere and
the diagnostic tools of the meteorologist. Includes
some discussion of applied meteorology, forecasting,
pollution, and climatology. Meets the requirement
for a general education science lab course. Students
cannot receive credit for both (PHSC 115 or PC 106)
and (PHSC 105 or PC 105).
PHSC 117-Introduction to Astronomy (4)
• Gen Ed Science
Prerequisites: ENGL 70 or ENGL 75 or (ESOL 72 and
ESOL 73) or ESOL 100 AND [(Prerequisite: MATH 101A
or MATH 120A or MATH 145S)* OR (Prerequisite or
Co-requisite: MATH 101 or higher credit level (non-A or
S) MATH course) OR (appropriate score on mathematics
placement test)] *MATH 101A, MATH 120A, MATH 145S
can serve as prerequisites only, not co-requisites
(formerly PC 107)
Presents a survey of astronomy that includes a
study of the physical nature of the universe, the
solar system, stars, nebulae, and galaxies. Meets the
requirement for a general education science lab
PHSC 121-Physical Geology (4)
• Gen Ed Science
Prerequisites: ENGL 70 or ENGL 75 or (ESOL 72 and
ESOL 73) or ESOL 100 AND [(Prerequisite: MATH 101A
or MATH 120A or MATH 145S)* OR (Prerequisite or
Co-requisite: MATH 101 or higher credit level (non-A or
S) MATH course) OR (appropriate score on mathematics
placement test)] *MATH 101A, MATH 120A, MATH 145S
can serve as prerequisites only, not co-requisites
(formerly PC 109)
Introduces the physical and chemical processes
that occur along the surface of the earth and within
the earth's interior. Topics include plate tectonics,
earthquakes, volcanoes, rocks and minerals, geologic
maps, and the origin and continual modification of
surface features. Meets the requirement for a general
education science lab course.
PHSC 122-Historical Geology (4)
• Gen Ed Science
Prerequisites: ENGL 70 or ENGL 75 or (ESOL 72 and
ESOL 73) or ESOL 100 AND [(Prerequisite: MATH 101A
or MATH 120A or MATH 145S)* OR (Prerequisite or
Co-requisite: MATH 101 or higher credit level (non-A or
S) MATH course) OR (appropriate score on mathematics
placement test)] *MATH 101A, MATH 120A, MATH 145S
can serve as prerequisites only, not co-requisites
(formerly PC 108)
Traces the history of the earth through time. Presents
scientific theories on the origin of the earth and the
evolution of life. Provides students with the tools to
interpret the rock and fossil record with a focus on
the geologic history of North America. Meets the
requirement for a general education science lab
PHYS: Physics
PHYS 101-Survey of Physics (3)
• Gen Ed Science
Prerequisites: ENGL 70 or ENGL 75 or (ESOL 72 and
ESOL 73) or ESOL 100 AND [(Prerequisite: MATH 101A
or MATH 120A or MATH 145S)* OR (Prerequisite or
Co-requisite: MATH 101 or higher credit level (non-A or
S) MATH course) OR (appropriate score on mathematics
placement test)] *MATH 101A, MATH 120A, MATH 145S
can serve as prerequisites only, not co-requisites
(formerly PY 101)
Presents a survey of physics. Topics include
mechanics, energy, thermodynamics, waves, sound,
electricity and magnetism, optics, and modern
2020 - 2021 FCC Academic Catalog