Another Good Method for Focusing a Topic- Ask the Five Ws

To further Focus or Narrow Your Topic, ask questions about it. Consider the five Ws when trying to figure out what you want to research:

 You can limit your topic in more than one way. For example limit it to a "who" and a "what" or a "when" and a "where".



  • Assisted suicide
  • Religious beliefs
  • Cultural views
  • Demographics
  • Statistics on methods
  • Mental illness
  • Relationship to substance abuse
  • Legal issues
  • Impact on survivors
  • Guilt


  • Medical use
  • Legalization, regulation,taxation
  • Neurobiological effects
  • History of use by early cultures
  • Gateway drug?
  • Other uses as a crop
  • Countries, regions affected
  • Intoxication versus effects of alcohol




  • Animals: fur, fashion, and leather.
  • Fur industry
  • Political movements
  • Philosophical origins
  • Major interest groups
  • Ethical aspects of using animals as sport
  • Animals as subjects in scientific experiments




  • Origins of epidemic
  • Demographics
  • Legal issues/discrimination
  • Incidence in women
  • Prevention
  • Children with AIDS in schools
  • Incidence in men
  • Education programs
  • Medications and how they work