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2016/2017 fcc catalog

Fall & Spring Semester (15-week session)

Through the first week of the semester..........100%

Through the second week.......................................50%

After the second week...................................No refund

Summer Semester (8-week session)

Through the first week of the semester..........100%

Through the second week......................................50%

After the second week..................................No refund

Summer Semester (5-week sessions)

Through the first week of the semester..........100%

Through the second week......................................50%

After the second week..................................No refund

January Semester

Through the first day of class..............................100%

Through the third day of class...............................50%

After the third day...........................................No refund

b. The College offers courses of varying length

during the fall, spring, and summer terms. The

College reserves the right to establish additional

refund schedules for terms of variable length.

See schedule of classes for additional refund


C. Tuition Refund Appeals

1. In cases where the student withdraws after the

normal refund period, the College will consider

granting a partial refund of tuition and fees for

the following reasons: 1) medical reasons dated

and certified by a physician; 2) job transfer dated

and certified by the employer; 3) job schedule

(shift) change which causes a conflict with the

student’s class schedule, dated and certified by

the employer; or 4) military transfer dated and

certified by documentation (copy of orders) from

the military unit.

2. To be eligible for consideration the student

must: 1) officially withdraw from the course(s)

and 2) submit a tuition refund request form with

documentation to the Welcome & Registration


3. Requests pertaining to issues involving

classroom instruction are handled through the

College’s grievance procedure for students.

4. Students must make requests for refunds prior

to the end of the academic year in which they

took the course. The academic year starts with

fall and continues through the summer.

D. Tuition Refund Policies for Students

Receiving Title IV Funding

1. All students who are awarded Title IV financial

aid funds who completely withdraw from

classes either officially or unofficially are subject

to the Return of Title IV Funds calculation. This

calculation will determine if any percentage

of Title IV funds must be returned to the

appropriate program. The amount of Title IV aid

that a student must repay is determined by the

federal formula for return of Title IV funds as

specified in the Higher Education Act of 1998 (34

CFR 668).

2. The financial aid office is required to determine

the last date of attendance and calculate the

percentage of the payment period the student

attended. This is the percentage of funds that

the student has earned. After this percentage

of aid earned is determined, the financial aid

office will compare the amount earned and the

amount disbursed. If the amount that has been

earned is greater than the amount disbursed, a

late disbursement will be calculated. However,

if the amount earned is less than the amount

disbursed, this amount will be calculated and

the student will be notified. FCC will refund the

unearned Title IV aid back to the appropriate

programs as specified by law. The student will

be notified of the amount that is required to

be returned and the finance office will bill the

student for this amount. Funds must be returned

to the Title IV programs in the following order:

a. Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loans

b. Subsidized Federal Stafford Loans

c. Federal PLUS Loans

d. Federal Pell Grants

e. Academic Competitiveness Grant

f. Federal Supplemental Educational

Opportunity Grant

g. Iraq/Afghanistan Service Grant

3. Students may obtain a sample copy of the

Return of Title IV Funds worksheet with sample

calculations from the financial aid office.

E. Continuing Education &Workforce

Development Refunds

1. The Continuing Education Department will

provide a 100% refund if the student drops the

course the business day prior to the first day of

class and a 100% refund if the class is canceled

by the College. Classes that are one day long

must be dropped before the class starts for any

type of refund consideration. Refunds may not

include the cost of materials/supplies ordered

for the course or consumed/retained by the

student. Students must officially withdraw

from the course by either a) Completing

the appropriate form in the Welcome and

Registration Center; b) Withdrawing on-line, c)

Submitting written notification; or d) Submitting

notification by electronic mail.

2. After the course has started, students must

submit a written request to the Office of

Continuing Education.

3. Upon receipt of the written request, the

Associate Vice President of Continuing Education

or designee reviews the refund request and

solicits feedback from the appropriate Program


4. For refunds in the amount of $300.00 or

less, decisions are made by the Associate Vice

President of Continuing Education or designee.

5. Refunds that are over $300.00 and fall within

the criteria set-forth in this procedure shall be

forwarded to the College refund committee.

6. Refunds are granted based on the following


a. Missing instruction due to a serious

illness, or the serious illness or death of a

family member.

b. Missing instruction due to a change

in military or work schedule that causes a

conflict with the student’s class schedule.

c. Missing instruction due to other verified

significant emergencies.

7. After classes begin, refunds that fall outside of

the established refund criteria shall be governed

as follows:

a. For classes lasting two (2) or fewer

weeks, a 50% refund may be granted

to those students who appropriately

withdraw within the first two (2) business

days of the first day of class, which days

shall include the first day of class.

b. For classes lasting three (3) or more

weeks, a 50% refund may be granted

to those students who appropriately

withdraw within the first five (5) business

days of the first day of class, which days

shall include the first day of class.

8. Requests pertaining to issues involving

classroom instruction are handled through the

College’s grievance procedure for students.

9. Approved refund requests will be forwarded

to the Welcome and Registration Center for


10. If a refund request is disapproved, the Office

of Continuing Education will inform the student.

11. Refunds are disbursed through Finance -

Administration via Accounts Receivable.

F. TuitionWaivers

Tuition waivers may be granted to certain

individuals in accordance with State law and State

regulations. Fees other than tuition must be paid

by the student.

1. Senior Citizens (any Maryland resident 60 years

old or older) According to Maryland law, senior

citizens may receive a waiver of course tuition on

a space-available basis in most classes.

a. Credit courses: Senior citizens may enroll

tuition-free three weeks prior to the start of

the semester; specific dates are published

in the schedule of classes. Senior citizens

are required to pay all fees associated

with classes. Those eligible for waivers

who agree to pay full tuition and fees may

register at any time during the registration

period. Refunds will not be granted to

seniors paying full tuition who then drop

and later add the same course under the

tuition-free benefit provision.