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2016/2017 fcc catalog

(3) Register within four years after

graduating from a public or nonpublic

secondary school in the State or receive

the equivalent of a high school diploma in

the State;

(4) Provide documentation that he/she, or

his/her parent or legal guardian has filed a

Maryland income tax return:

(a) annually for the 3 years that coincide

with his/her attendance at a public or

nonpublic secondary school in the State

(home schooled students are subject to

this requirement in the same manner);

(b) annually each year between secondary

school attendance and enrolling at the

college, and

(c) annually while attending a community


(5) Provide an affidavit stating that he/she will

file an application to become a permanent

resident within 30 days after he/she

becomes eligible to do so;

(6) Provide proof that he/she has registered

with the selective service system.

(This currently applies to all males 18 – 25.

Proof of selective service registration can

be obtained by filing with the Post Office

and returning a receipt to the college that

shows proof of registration or by providing

a selective service card).

Please refer to the website for the most up to

date policies and procedures.

Residency Policy and


I. Philosophy and Purpose

The determination of residency or domicile for

tuition purposes is governed by the Frederick

Community College Board of Trustees in

accordance with Maryland State law. For the

purpose of establishing differential tuition, the

following procedure applies to both full and part-

time students.

A student’s legal residence is determined at the

time he/she applies to the College. The burden of

proof of residency is to be upon the student, and

he/she will be required to certify by signature to

the accuracy of the information provided on the

College application.

Students will be considered in-county, out-of-

county, or out-of-state for tuition calculation.

Students whose legal residence is outside the

county or the State of Maryland pay a higher

tuition rate than those whose legal residence is

within the county, unless they are eligible for a

waiver or reduction in tuition. (See Related Tuition

Policy and Procedures.)

II. Definitions for the Purpose of this

Policy and Procedures

A. The word


as used in this policy and

procedures shall mean the permanent place of

abode, where physical presence and possessions

are maintained with the intention of remaining

indefinitely; or the permanent place of abode of

any person or persons contributing more than

½ of the student’s financial support during the

most recently completed year. Only one domicile

may be maintained by a student.


Maryland resident

means an individual

who has maintained a domicile in Maryland for

at least three (3) months before becoming an

enrolled student.


Enrolled student

is an individual who is

registered at the College, either full or part-

time, in a credit or continuing education

class or classes who has either paid or made

arrangement for payment of tuition and fees,

and whose participation in a class has been





Non-dependent Maryland resident


are considered to be in-county

residents if, at the time of their application,

they are domiciled in Frederick County

for three (3) consecutive months prior to



Dependent Maryland resident students

(defined as an unmarried individual claimed

by parent(s) or guardian(s) as an income tax

exemption in the previous taxable year) are

considered to be “in-county” residents if, at

the time of their application, their parent(s)

or guardian(s) are domiciled in Frederick

County for three (3) consecutive months

prior to application.




Non-dependent Maryland resident


are considered to be out-of-

county residents in the State of Maryland

if, at the time of their application, they are

domiciled in another county in the State of

Maryland, or if they have lived in Frederick

County less than three months.


Dependent Maryland resident students

are considered to be out-of-county


in the State of Maryland if, at the

time of their application, their parent(s) or

guardian(s) are domiciled in another county

in the State of Maryland, or if they have

lived in Frederick County less than three





Non-dependent students

are considered

to be residents of another state if, at the

time of their application, they are domiciled

outside of the State of Maryland, or if they

have lived in Frederick County less than

three months.


Dependent students

are considered

to be residents of another state if, at the

time of their application, their parent(s) or

guardian(s) are domiciled outside of the

State of Maryland, or if they have lived in

Frederick County less than three months.


Military personnel and their dependents:

1. Who are stationed, living, or domiciled

in Maryland, and their spouses and

dependents, who are entering the College

for the first time, are considered residents

of Frederick County. If the armed services

member moves out of the state, the

dependents and spouse may maintain

in-county residence as long as they stay

continuously enrolled in courses at the


2. Who have relocated to Maryland as

a result of the Base Realignment and

Closure process (BRAC), will be granted a

waiver of the three (3) months residency

requirement. The employee or his/her

dependent must present a letter from

an employer on company letterhead,

confirming that their relocation to

Maryland and/or Frederick County was a

result of the BRAC process. For purposes

of tuition rates, eligible employees and

dependents will be treated as in-county

residents if they locate in Frederick County;

they will be treated as out-of-county but

in-state residents if they locate outside of

Frederick County but within Maryland.


Veterans and their dependents


include spouses, including same-sex spouses;

and children, including biological, adopted, pre-

adoptive and step children of spouses, including

same-sex spouses) who are eligible for Chapter 33

(Post 9/11 GI Bill) or Chapter 30 (Montgomery GI

Bill), and are within the statutory time limits, will

be granted in-county tuition only if the following

are met:

1. Veteran enrolls within 3 years of discharge

after serving 90 days or more on active duty;


2. Individual using transferred entitlement

enrolls within 3 years of the transferor’s

discharge after serving 90 days or more of

active duty; or

3. Surviving Spouses or Children under the Fry

Scholarship who enroll within 3 years of an

active duty Service member’s death in the

line of duty after serving 90 days or more; or

4. Individuals who remain continuously enrolled

after initially meeting the requirements and

are using Chapter 30 or 33.