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course descriptions

Course Descriptions

Please note that all courses listed are not offered

every semester. Check the current schedule of classes

for course offerings.

Time Commitment for Academic


At Frederick Community College, in all credit courses,

students are expected to invest a minimum of two

hours completing out-of-class course work for every

hour of in-class instructional time. For example,

in a 3-credit course, students experience at least

37.5 hours of instructional time and should invest a

minimum of 75 hours in out-of-class time preparing

for the course and completing assignments. In a

traditional 15-week, 3-credit course, this equates

to an average minimum of 5 hours per week. For

online and hybrid courses, students can expect active

instructional time and ‘out-of-class’course work

comparable to face-to-face courses with the same

number of credits.

Course Blackboard Requirements

Some course sections may require access to the

course Blackboard Web site. Students enrolled in

those courses are expected to participate through

the Blackboard format using their own or appropriate

college-available computers.

ACE: Academic and Career


ACE 100–Learning Strategies (2)

Prerequisites: [(EN 50A or EN 61) and EN 52] OR (ESL 95

and ESL 99) OR (ESL 72 and ESL 73)

Develops students’ learning strategies and explores

habits of successful college students. Students will

enhance their academic skills and performance by

developing strategies for studying and learning,

such as ways to set goals, manage time, take notes,

prepare for and take tests, read critically, and use

college resources. Instruction is closely linked to the

demands of content area courses in which students

are enrolled.

ACE 101–Academic Engagement Seminar (3)

• GenEd Interdisciplinary & Emerging Issues/

Multicultural Issues & Perspectives; Cultural


Prerequisites or Corequisites: [(EN 50A or EN 61) and EN

52] OR (ESL 95 and ESL 99) OR (ESL 72 and ESL 73)

Introduces first-year students to current, real-

world issues as they advance their critical thinking,

communication, and research skills. Students will

explore questions of local, national, and global

significance through multicultural contexts, while

building relationships with their classmates, instructor,

and other college personnel. Additionally, students

will use campus resources and co-curricular events to

enhance their educational experience and foster their

college success.

ACE 102–College Success Tools (1)

Prerequisites: (EN 50 and EN 51) OR (ESL 94 and ESL 97)

OR (ESL 70 and ESL 71)

Introduces students to tools, strategies, and

resources designed to help build stronger academic

foundations and make informed choices that will lead

to college success. Students will plan their academic

path, improve their study habits, and connect to

campus and online resources to enhance their

educational experience and achieve their goals.

ACE 110–Career Assessment & Planning (3)

Prerequisites: (EN 50 and EN 51) OR (ESL 94 and ESL 97)

OR (ESL 70 and ESL 71)

Develops critical methods needed to make a

satisfying career decision based on research and

goal setting strategies that lead to personal and

professional success. Students will acquire the skills

needed to make informed choices about their

education and career. Students will evaluate their

strengths, values, interests, and personality in order

to identify possible career options. Students will

learn techniques for researching career options and

making decisions about their future while creating a

learning/career portfolio upon which they can build

throughout their college career.

ACE 111A–Introduction to Career Planning


Prerequisites: (EN 50 and EN 51) OR (ESL 94 and ESL 97)

OR (ESL 70 and ESL 71)

Introduces the career planning process, focusing

on students’ability to assess their career planning

needs, decision-making, and goal setting, and to plan

appropriate actions. Emphasis is placed on assessing

varied career resources.

ACE 111B–Job Search andWorkplace Basics


Prerequisites: [(EN 50A or EN 61) and EN 52] OR (ESL 95

and ESL 99) OR (ESL 72 and ESL 73)

Develops key strategies to help students find

satisfying work. Students will learn how to connect

their employment objectives to their education and

work experience. Topics include resume writing,

interviewing, job search skills, and workplace basics.

ACE 120–Portfolio Development: Assessment

of Prior Learning (1)

Prerequisites: [(EN 50A or EN 61) and EN 52] OR (ESL 95

and ESL 99) OR (ESL 72 and ESL 73))

Provides the opportunity for students to examine

past experiences, identify and clarify college-level

learning within those experiences, and document the

learning in a portfolio format suitable for assessment

and the potential granting of equivalent course credit.

The students will apply college-level learning gained

from life experiences to specific courses offered by

the college and related to their educational goals.

ACCT: Accounting

ACCT 100–Business Accounting (3)

Prerequisite: EN 51 or ESL 97 or ESL 70

Demonstrates the accounting principles and

procedures used by a business in setting up and

maintaining records for reporting purposes. Topics

include the accounting cycle, preparation of the

financial statements, payroll and banking procedures,

and computerized recordkeeping.

ACCT 101–Principles of Accounting I (3)

Prerequisites: (EN 50 and EN 51) OR (ESL 94 and ESL 97)

OR (ESL 70 and ESL 71)

Introduces the principles and procedures related

to accounting theory and practice. The analysis of

transactions under generally accepted accounting

principles (GAAP) and their relationship to the

financial statements are covered from a user’s


ACCT 102–Principles of Accounting II (3)

Prerequisite: ACCT 101

Continues the study of financial accounting principles

and procedures from ACCT 101, with emphasis on

the corporate form of business organization. Students

will also be introduced to managerial accounting

concepts used for planning and controlling the

business enterprise.

ACCT 111–Computerized Accounting (3)

Prerequisites: (CIS 101 or CIS 116D) and (ACCT 100 or

ACCT 101)

Demonstrates the use of commercial software in

managing the accounting functions of a business

enterprise. Using a hands-on approach, students will

learn how to set up a fully integrated accounting

system to record sales invoices, collections, purchase

invoices, disbursements, and payroll transactions.

Students will also set up and maintain inventory and

accounts receivable/payable subsidiary ledgers and

prepare financial reports.

ACCT 117–Payroll Accounting (3)

Prerequisites: [(EN 50A or EN 61) and EN 52] OR (ESL 95

and ESL 99) OR (ESL 72 and ESL 73), and ACCT 100 or

ACCT 101

Examines the concepts, regulations, laws and

procedures related to payroll accounting. The course

is comprehensive and detailed to prepare students

to be competent to account for the payroll of all

businesses. Includes hands-on preparation of all

payroll forms, schedules, records, and applications of

different systems.