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Institutional Goals

Where IT Helps...

to accomplish the goal

FCC Goal 7 –

Clearly articulate a governance structure

that is transparent and outlines roles, responsibilities,

and accountability for decision making. (Standard VII)


Ensure that all job descriptions are current and

representative of employees’ responsibilities.


Maintain current organizational charts

and make them accessible.


Develop a component for new employee

orientation to ensure they understand their roles

and responsibilities in the governance structure.

Goal D. Continuously upgrade software applications,

utilizing cloud technology where applicable, to meet

the current and future needs of the College.

Institutional Goals

Where IT Helps...

to accomplish the goal

FCC Goal 8 –

Articulate career pathways for continuing

education and credit students which enhance their

ability to secure employment. (Standard III)


Align programs with current and future jobs.


Develop and implement a credit for prior learning

structure which includes noncredit pathways.

Goal E. Advance the level of IT customer support

services to assist users to better utilize technology.

Institutional Goals

Where IT Helps...

to accomplish the goal

FCC Goal 9 –

Increase access, affordability, and

student goal completion. (Standard IV)


Enhance the College readiness of FCPS students

by collaborating on early assessment, professional

development, and the development of effective

transition courses in Math and English.


Enhance collaborative efforts between local

high schools and FCC to develop early College

access through dual enrollment initiatives.


Improve the access, retention, and goal

completion for adult learners.


Implement strategies that reduce the time to goal

completion and make FCC more affordable.

Goal H. Evaluate and streamline business processes to

increase operational efficiency and productivity.