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Technology Advisory

Committee Members

• Roseann Abdu, Finance

• Chad Adero, Counseling and Advising

• Jane Beatty, Student Finance

• William Buckley, Social Sciences

• Frederick Cope, English

• Brenda Dayhoff, Financial Aid

• Marcia Dean, Counseling and Advising

• Kimberly Duncan, Adult Basic Education

• Marc Frankenberry, Science

• Kathi Groover, Continuing Education

• William (Bill) Grutzkuhn, Fiscal Services

• James Hatch, Computing & Business Technology

• Lisa Hawkins, Computing & Business Technology

• Bryan Hiatt, English

• Jurgen Hilke, Distributed Learning

• Stephanie Hurd, Continuing Education

• Wayne Keller, Information Technology

• Angela Ludeman, Finance

• Michael Marshall, Information Technology

• Colleen McKnight, Center for Teaching and Learning

• John Papparazzo, Continuing Education

• Charles Pham, Marketing

• Ana Maria Pinzon, Communications, Humanities, and Arts

• Karen Santelli, Communication, Humanities, and Arts

• Frank Seidel, Computing & Business Technology

• Lisa Sheirer, Communication, Humanities, and Arts

• Sharon Smith, Science

• Danielle Stoffer, Continuing Education

• Kelly Trigger, Center for Teaching and Learning

• Bryan Valko, Instructional Services

• Deirdre Weilminster, Registration

• Dina Yagodich, Mathematics

Strategic Technology Plan

Development Members

• James Hatch, Computing and Business Technology

• Lisa Hawkins, Computing and Business Technology

• Jurgen Hilke, Distributed Learning

• Doree Lynn Miles, Computing and Business Technology

• Cheryl Schnebly, Center for Teaching and Learning

• Bryan Valko, Instructional Services

• Karen A. Wilson, Computing and Business Technology

• Dina Yagodich, Mathematics

Technology Goals

The Strategic Technology Plan for 2015-2020 was created

by the Technology Advisory Committee (TAC) in May

2015 and later revised in October 2015 to support the

new Strategic Plan of the College, FCC 2020. The Plan,

approved by the Senior Leadership Team, was presented

to the Board of Trustees on November 18, 2015.

The following goals provide a strategic framework that will assist

IT staff as they partner with various campus teams and both

internal and external entities to envision, plan, identify resources

and budgets, prioritize, and implement technology initiatives.

A. Secure network and systems to protect College

resources from the ever-increasing sophistication

of threats, both locally and globally.


Address password security and internet

based attacks through user training.


Protect computers from malware, spyware, and viruses.


Implement application controls to prevent data loss.


Continually upgrade and expand security

appliances to protect the environment.

B. Implement innovative instructional technologies

in physical and virtual learning spaces to transform

student learning and engagement.


Enhance classrooms with state-of-the art technologies

which promote flexible learning environments.


Evaluate and implement online tools, systems,

and resources which increase online instructional

capacity, make delivery of instruction more

effective, and provide continuity of learning.


Develop and implement faculty professional

development opportunities that promote optimal use of

instructional technologies and design best practices.

C. Upgrade infrastructure to stay current with evolving

technological advancements in order to fully support

increasing student, faculty, and staff needs.


Provide the necessary resources to implement

the technology replacement plan.


Migrate from a wired to wireless environment in order

to support the growing demand of mobile users.


Increase the use of modular technology

and classroom design to better support

emerging trends in teaching pedagogy.

D. Continuously upgrade software applications, utilizing

cloud technology where applicable, to meet the

current and future needs of the College.


Stay current by deploying PeopleSoft maintenance

packs, bundles, and patches to provide users

with the latest features while ensuring that

support agreements can be met.


Provide additional tools for decision makers to analyze data.