• 301.846.2400
2020 - 2021 FCC Academic Catalog
• Secure innovative and creative revenue
sources through entrepreneurial efforts.
• Design a systematic plan to align staffing
needs with strategic priorities.
Enhance access, support, and
opportunities that meet the needs of
diverse and changing populations.
Strategic Objectives:
• Improve student recruitment efforts and
employment practices to build the diversity
and inclusiveness of our College.
• Create targeted programs for emerging
populations that address their specific
needs and enhance student learning.
• Implement strategies to increase and engage
diverse and emerging populations.
• Expand community outreach to secure
resources for student support.
Expand the leadership capacity of all employees
through professional development to meet the
challenges and opportunities for our College
Strategic Objectives:
• Develop a plan that ensures
continuity of campus operation.
• Develop a systematic plan to provide
opportunities for career growth.
• Create professional development opportunities
that improve job skills, leadership
capabilities, and employee productivity.
• Develop a sustainable program to mentor
employees and acknowledge their
contributions to the operation of the College.
Clearly articulate a governance structure that is
transparent and outlines roles, responsibilities,
and accountability for decision making.
Strategic Objectives:
• Ensure that all job descriptions are current and
representative of employees’responsibilities.
• Maintain current organizational charts
and make them accessible.
• Develop a component for new employee
orientation to ensure they understand their roles
and responsibilities in the governance structure.
Articulate career pathways for continuing
education and credit students which enhance
their ability to secure employment.
Strategic Objectives:
• Align programs with current and future jobs.
• Develop and implement a credit for prior learning
structure which includes non-credit pathways.
Increase access, affordability, and
student goal completion.
Strategic Objectives:
• Enhance the college readiness of FCPS
students by collaborating on early
assessment, professional development,
and the development of effective
transition courses in Math and English.
• Enhance collaborative efforts between local
high schools and FCC to develop early college
access through dual enrollment initiatives.
• Improve the access, retention, and goal
completion for adult learners.
• Implement strategies that reduce the time to
goal completion and make FCC more affordable.
Community Outreach
FCC Foundation and the Office
of Institutional Advancement
The Frederick Community College Foundation, Inc.
is a philanthropic network of advocates enriching
the vitality and quality of life in our community
by promoting access to higher education. In
partnership with individuals, organizations, and
businesses, the mission of the Frederick Community
College Foundation is to remove barriers to
a community college education and provide
financial support so all students can succeed
and positively contribute to our community.
The Foundation is governed by an independent
Board of Directors. This group of College
ambassadors is committed to providing
outstanding private support for the priority
needs of the College including scholarships,
Student Success Funds and program support.
All gifts to the Foundation are tax deductible as
charitable donations subject to IRS regulations.
For further information about
the Foundation, contact:
• Deborah W Powell,
Executive Director
301-846-2438 or
[email protected]For scholarship or student success fund
application information, contact:
• Michael Thornton,
Scholarship Program Manager
301-846-2438 or
[email protected]Alumni Connection
The FCC Alumni and Friends Connection fosters
relationships to support the overall advancement
of the College, and provide opportunities for
professional and community engagement.
The FCC Alumni and Friends Connection serves as
a vehicle for alumni and friends of FCC to maintain
a lifelong partnership in its educational and cultural
programs and to provide a link between the College
and the community it serves. Whether you received
a college degree, attended a Fine Arts performance,
or sent your children to Kids and Teens on Campus,
rediscover your academic legacy and the memories
and friends that made your college experience
exceptional. Contact the FCC Foundation at
301-846-2438 or
[email protected].Jack B. Kussmaul Theater
The Jack B. Kussmaul Theater, located in the Visual
& Performing Arts Center, offers quality musical and
theatrical performances, lectures, and educational
programs for the College and community. The
409-seat theater features a three-section mezzanine
and orchestra seating. Support areas for the
1,800-square-foot stage include a box office and
green room with male and female dressing areas.
The Jack B. Kussmaul Theater is available for rental.
For additional information, call 301.846.2513.
The Mary Condon Hodgson
Art Gallery
The Mary Condon Hodgson Art Gallery, located
in the lobby of the theater, exhibits a variety
of works monthly from national and regional
artists as well as FCC students and faculty. For
additional information, call 301.846.2513.
Conference Center
The 14,000-square foot Conference Center provides
meeting space for workshops or training sessions
for area businesses and organizations. It includes
classrooms, meeting space, and breakout rooms,
as well as catering with formal sit-down or buffet
service. For more information, call 301.846.2671.