• 301.846.2400 131
CMIS 227-Game Programming (4)
Prerequisite: (CMIS 105 or CIS 107) or CMIS 106
(formerly CIS 227)
Covers the development of computer games using
a high-level programming language. Introduces
game development aspects and techniques through
creation of computer programs. This course also
surveys the modern game engines. Students learn to
develop computer game programs for specific game
engines and platforms.
CMIS 228-Simulation and Game Development
Prerequisite: (CMIS 105 or CIS 107) or CMIS 106 or CMIS
177 or CMIS 178
(formerly CIS 228)
Covers the development of digital interactive
contents used in computer games and computerized
simulations. This course introduces students to the
current game engines and simulation software used
to build comprehensive and interactive computer
games and simulations.
CMIS 230-Database Management Systems (3)
Prerequisite or Co-requisite: (CMIS 105 or CIS 107) or
CMIS 106 or CMIS 111E or CMIS 119
(formerly CIS 230)
Provides an in-depth study of database management
systems and the fundamentals of database design
and development. Topics include Structure Query
Language (SQL), normalization, integrity constraints,
data models, and transaction control. Students
design and develop databases and database
applications utilizing database management systems
(DBMS), such as Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server.
CMIS 256-Statistical Computing (3)
Prerequisite or Co-requisite: (CMIS 105 or CIS 107) or
CMIS 106 or CMIS 119
(formerly CIS 256)
Covers the R programming language and software
development environment for statistical computing.
Students learn to develop, test, and run programs in
R. Students use the R system as a data science tool
to process data, manipulate data, and create data
science results.
CMIS 257-Data Visualization (3)
Prerequisite: (CMIS 105 or CIS 107) or CMIS 106 or CMIS
118 or CMIS 119 or CMIS 256
(formerly CIS 257)
Covers the fundamentals and techniques of
data visualization. Students learn to effectively
communicate data by using data as a pivotal point in
the presentation. Students obtain data visualization
skills via hands-on activities using data analysis and
visualization software tools, such as Tableau.
CMIS 258-Data Wrangling (3)
Prerequisite: (CMIS 105 or CIS 107) or CMIS 106 or CMIS
118 or CMIS 119 or CMIS 256
(formerly CIS 258)
Surveys the concepts, needs, principles, and
techniques of data wrangling. Explores data
extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) tools/
systems. Students practice data wrangling activities
including data extraction, data transformation, data
loading, integrating data sources, and correcting
erroneous/missing values by utilizing computer
based tools.
CMIS 259-Big Data Analytics (3)
Prerequisite: (CMIS 105 or CIS 107) or CMIS 106 or CMIS
118 or CMIS 119 or CMIS 256
(formerly CIS 259)
Surveys the roles, needs, challenges, principles,
trends, platforms, analytic lifecycle/methods, and
architectures/frameworks relevant to big data
technology. Surveys big data analytics tools/systems,
such as Hadoop, MapReduce, Talend, Apache Hive,
Apache Pig, SAS, or R. Students apply learned
concepts and techniques to solve problems by using
big data analytics tools/systems.
CMIS 266-Cloud System Administration (3)
Prerequisite or Co-requisite: CMIS 111V or CMIS 120 or
CIS 111M
(formerly CIS 266)
Explores administering cloud platforms and
deploying applications on cloud platforms. Students
learn to operate, manage, monitor, and secure cloud
computing systems such as Amazon Web Services
(AWS), as well as deploy and scale applications in
cloud environments. Covers the objectives of AWS
Certified SysOps Administrator Associate exam.
CMIS 280-Networking Fundamentals (3)
Prerequisite or Co-requisite: CMIS 120 or CIS 111M
(formerly CIS 180)
Reviews hardware, operating systems, and other
networking principles. Includes comprehensive
networking skill sets necessary for the CompTIA
Network exam.
CMIS 281-Security Fundamentals (3)
Prerequiste or Co-requisite: CMIS 280 or CIS 180
(formerly CIS 170)
Provides students with the knowledge and skills to
implement, maintain and secure network services,
network devices, and network traffic. Builds on
foundational network concepts, computer hardware,
and operating systems principles.
CMIS 290-Cisco 1 Introduction to Networks (3)
Prerequisite or Co-requisite: CMIS 106 or (CMIS 120 or
CIS 111M)
(formerly CIS 190)
Covers the architecture, structure, functions, and
components of the Internet and other computer
networks in accordance with CCNAv7: Introduction
to Networks (ITN). Students achieve a basic
understanding of how networks operate and
how to build simple local area networks (LAN),
perform basic configurations for routers and
switches, and implement Internet Protocol (IP).
CMIS 291-Cisco 2 Switching, Routing,
andWireless Essentials (3)
Prerequisite or Co-requisite: CMIS 280 or
CIS 180 or CMIS 290 or CIS 190
(formerly CIS 191)
Covers the architecture, components, and operations
of routers and switches in small networks and
introduces wireless local area networks (WLAN)
and security concepts in accordance with CCNAv7:
Switching, Routing, and Wireless Essentials (SRWE).
Students learn how to configure and troubleshoot
routers and switches for advanced functionality using
security best practices and resolve common issues
with protocols in both IPv4 and IPv6 networks.
CMIS 292-Cisco 3 Enterprise Networking,
Security, and Automation (3)
Prerequisite or Co-requisite: CMIS 291 or CIS 191
(formerly CIS 192)
Describes the architecture, components,
operations, and security to scale for large, complex
networks, including wide area network (WAN)
technologies, in accordance with CCNAv7:
Enterprise Networking, Security, and Automation
(ENSA). The course emphasizes network security
concepts and introduces network visualization
and automation. Students learn how to configure,
troubleshoot, and secure enterprise network
devices and understand how application
programming interfaces (API) and configuration
management tools enable network automation.
CMIS 294 - Cybersecurity Operations (3)
Prerequisite or Co-requisite: CMIS 292
Introduces the core security concepts and
skills needed to monitor, detect, analyze, and
respond to cybercrime, cyberespionage, insider
threats, advanced persistent threats, regulatory
requirements, and other cybersecurity issues facing
organizations in accordance with CCNA Cyber
Ops. It emphasizes the practical application of
the skills needed to maintain and ensure security
operational readiness of secure networked systems..
Course Descriptions