• 301.846.2400 187
2020 - 2021 FCC Academic Catalog
iv. While there is no credit restriction
while on Academic Alert, students
on Academic Alert at the time of
pre-registration for a subsequent
semester can only pre-register
for six (6) credits until final grades
for the current semester have
been posted. Students who make
academic progress are then
able to add additional credits
to their semester schedule.
Academic Alert with Progress
Students who demonstrate academic
progress while on Academic Alert, as
evidenced by achievement of a minimum
2.000 semester GPA, and successful
completion of at least 50% of semester
credits attempted will be allowed to
continue even though their cumulative
GPA is less than 2.000, and/or they have
successfully completed less than 50%
of their cumulative credits attempted.
i. While on Academic Alert with
Progress, students are not
required to have their registration
approved by an academic advisor
within Learning Support.
ii. There is no credit restriction while
on Academic Alert with Progress.
iii. Students on Academic Alert
with Progress at the time of
pre-registration for a subsequent
semester can pre-register
with no credit restriction.
Academic Probation
– Students on
Academic Alert or Academic Alert
with Progress who fail to achieve a
2.000 semester GPA, and/or who fail
to successfully complete at least 50%
of semester credits attempted are
placed on Academic Probation.
i. While on Academic Probation,
students will be required to meet
with an academic advisor within
Learning Support to develop an
Academic Success Plan designed
to provide students with academic
support to facilitate their success.
ii. Students who are on Academic
Probation must have their registration
approved by an academic advisor
within Learning Support and will be
limited to enrollment in six (6) credits.
iii. Students who are on Academic
Probation will not be allowed to
pre-register for the subsequent
semester until final grades for the
current semester are posted.
iv. Students who demonstrate
academic progress while on
Academic Probation, as evidenced
by achievement of a minimum
2.000 semester GPA, and successful
completion of at least 50% of
semester credits attempted will be
allowed to continue even if their
cumulative GPA has not reached
the required 2.000 and/or they
have not completed 50% their
attempted cumulative credits.
Students will be assigned a standing
of Academic Alert with Progress.
Academic Suspension
– Students on
Academic Probation who fail to achieve
a 2.000 semester GPA, and/or who fail
to successfully complete at least 50%
of semester credits attempted will be
academically suspended for one fall
or spring semester, and any preceding
Jan Term or summer term. Students
who have compelling circumstances
may appeal the enrollment restrictions
by contacting the Associate Vice
President/Dean of Students.
Academic Dismissal
– Students who
are subject to Academic Dismissal
will be dismissed for a period of two
(2) semesters, and any preceding Jan
Term or summer term. Students who
have compelling circumstances may
appeal the enrollment restrictions
by contacting the Associate Vice
President/Dean of Students.
Students are subject to
Academic Dismissal when:
i. satisfactory progress is not
made in the first semester upon
their re-enrollment following
Academic Suspension; or
ii. the student has been placed
on Academic Suspension for
a second occurrence.
Re-admission Following
Academic Suspension
a. Prior to re-enrollment, students who
have been academically suspended
must develop a plan to remediate their
academic deficiencies and meet with
an academic advisor within Learning
Support. The academic advisor within
Learning Support will develop an
Academic Success Plan with the student
identifying any academic requirements
to be met including enrollment
in developmental requirements,
appropriate academic support courses,
or use of academic support services.
b. If satisfactory progress is not made
in the first semester upon his/
her return, the student will be
subject to Academic Dismissal.
Re-admission Following
Academic Dismissal
a. Prior to re-enrollment, students who
have been academically dismissed
must develop a plan to remediate their
academic deficiencies and meet with
the Associate Vice President/Dean of
Students. If approved by the Associate
Vice President/Dean of Students,
students meet with an academic
advisor within Learning Support to
develop an Academic Success Plan
and identify any academic conditions
of re-enrollment including enrollment
in developmental requirements,
appropriate academic support courses,
or use of academic support services.
b. If satisfactory progress is not made
in the first semester upon his/her
return, the student will again be
subject to Academic Dismissal.
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
Definitions for Federal Financial Aid
FCC adheres to the Title IV Federal
financial aid guidelines as defined
by the Department of Ed.
a. Appeal refers to a process by which
a student who is not meeting SAP
standards petitions the FCC Financial Aid
Office for reconsideration of eligibility
for Federal Student Aid (FSA) funds.
b. Financial aid probation refers to a status
assigned to a student who is failing to
make satisfactory academic progress as
defined by federal regulation and who
successfully appeals. Eligibility for aid
may be reinstated for one semester.
c. Financial aid warning refers to a status
assigned to a student who is failing to
make satisfactory progress as defined by
federal regulation. The student is eligible
to receive aid for one semester and
may do so without a student appeal.
d. Maximum timeframe for receiving
Federal Financial Aid may be no
longer than 150% of the published
number of degree credits for the
declared program; however, an appeal
for this timeframe is possible.