• 301.846.2400 191
2020 - 2021 FCC Academic Catalog
8. Course substitutions should be requested,
approved, and recorded prior to the
last date to apply for graduation.
Academic Clemency
Academic Clemency provides students
returning to the College an opportunity
to address prior unsatisfactory academic
performance. Academic Clemency
expunges a limited number of “D,”“F,” or
“FNA” grades previously earned at FCC.
Students will be made aware of the
Academic Clemency procedure through
the re-admission letter provided to them
upon re-application to the College. Students
who wish to apply for Academic Clemency
will meet with a member of Counseling
and Advising to discuss the procedure.
1. The following are conditions for
requesting Academic Clemency:
a. A student may be granted
Academic Clemency only once.
b. Students who have been
awarded a degree are not eligible
for Academic Clemency.
c. A student must have not attended FCC
for two (2) years before they are eligible
to request Academic Clemency.
d. A student must demonstrate that
they have the ability to benefit from
college. Therefore, upon re-admission
to the College, a student must achieve
a minimum 2.000 GPA in all courses
attempted by the end of the semester in
which the student reaches at least twelve
(12) attempted credits (6 of which must
be general education credits) before
being eligible to apply for Academic
Clemency. Exceptions to this provision
may be granted by the College Registrar.
e. Only courses in which a grade of“D”,
“F”or“FNA”has been earned will be
considered for Academic Clemency.
f. Developmental courses will not be
considered for Academic Clemency.
g. Courses that are required for the
student’s major are not eligible for
consideration under the Academic
Clemency procedure, therefore,
students must repeat those courses. In
accordance with the College procedure
on repeating courses, the higher grade
will be used in the calculation of GPA.
2. When a student has met the conditions
of Academic Clemency, they will meet
with an academic advisor within Learning
Support to develop an Academic
Clemency plan and complete the
Request for Academic Clemency form.
a. The number of credits that may be
considered for Academic Clemency
will be determined on a case by case
basis by an academic advisor within
Learning Support working with the
student. In no case can the number
of credits exceed twenty-four (24).
b. An academic advisor within Learning
Support will sign the completed
Request for Academic Clemency
form and forward it to the Registrar
for final approval and recording.
c. All course attempts will remain on
the transcript. Courses that have been
approved for Academic Clemency will be
designated with the grade of“FX”or“DX.”
The College's official version of the Academic
Standards Policy and Procedures is located on
frederick.eduand may be revised annually.