• 301.846.2400 87
2020 - 2021 FCC Academic Catalog
Emergency Management – Professional
Letter Of Recognition (Career)
Provides a well-rounded initial skillset for those entering or already in the
emergency management profession. A combination of FEMA Independent Study
and FCC coursework, it addresses emergency management discipline basics,
hones leadership and communication skills, and introduces fundamental concepts
of planning, exercising, and volunteer management. This LOR is designed to offer
a broad foundation in the field, which students may use to develop their careers
or build upon in further studies.
Students will achieve completion of the FEMA Professional Development Series
as part of this program.
After completing the required FEMA IS prerequisites, students enroll in selected
EMGT courses. These are FCC online courses offered during the fall, spring, and
summer semesters.
The process to transfer FEMA IS prerequisites to Frederick Community College
(FCC) takes place in three (3) environments:
1. FEMA website: Take FEMA IS courses online at
2. EMI/Jacobs: Transfer FEMA IS courses to FCC college credit at
www.emstudy.com3. FCC: Where final FEMA college credit resides, and where EMGT courses
are completed
Departmental Requirements
EMGT 115
Foundations of Emergency Management . . . . . . .
FEMA 131
Principles of Emergency Management
FEMA 151
National Incident Management System
FEMA 205
Fundamentals of Management and Support Coordination
of Federal Disaster Operations
EMGT 135
Leadership and Management . . . . . . . . . . . .
FEMA 132
Leadership and Decision Making Concepts
FEMA 134
Effective Communication
FEMA 221
Cultural Competence in Disaster: Before, During,
and After
Other FEMA Requirements
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FEMA 103
Community Disaster Exercise
FEMA 135
Volunteerism and Emergency Management
FEMA 140
Emergency Planning
Note: After completing and converting each of the required FEMA courses, students are
required to enroll in and successfully complete the associated EMGT course (specified in
sets above). Students must earn a grade of ‘C’ or better in the associated EMGT course.
Emergency Management – Specialized
Letter Of Recognition (Career)
Designed to prepare students for organization and leadership of specialty
emergency management areas. Provides the opportunity to supplement a broad
education in emergency management with focused study of a specialized topic
of interest in the field.
After completing the required FEMA IS prerequisites, students enroll in selected
EMGT courses. These are FCC online courses offered during the fall, spring, and
summer semesters.
The process to transfer FEMA IS prerequisites to Frederick Community College
(FCC) takes place in three (3) environments:
1. FEMA website: Take FEMA IS courses online at
2. EMI/Jacobs: Transfer FEMA IS courses to FCC college credit at
www.emstudy.com3. FCC: Where final FEMA college credit resides, and where EMGT courses
are completed
Departmental Requirements
FEMA 131 Principles of Emergency Management . . . . . . . . . .
FEMA 205 Fundamentals of Management and Support Coordination
of Federal Disaster Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Choose any EMGT course numbered between EMGT 165
and EMGT 189 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4/5
Note: Students should select their EMGT course in consultation with a program advisor.
Specified EMGT courses have various FEMA prerequisite requirements that must be
completed and converted prior to EMGT course enrollment. EMGT courses must be
passed with a grade of 'C' or better.
GIS-Public Safety
Letter Of Recognition (Career)
Designed to offer a series of courses which will serve as the foundation for
preparing students to use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and related
technologies consistent with entry-level employment in public safety. Students
will learn foundational GIS principles, how they are used in a variety of public
safety careers, and the core skills for utilizing those principles themselves.
Departmental Requirements
GISA 101 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
with ArcGIS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
EMGT 201 Public Safety GIS and Technology………………………. . . 3
FEMA 191 Emergency Management & Technical Tools Application……. . 1
FEMA 192 Geospatial Information Systems Specialist…………………. . 1
FEMA 200 Homeland Security Geospatial Operations & Management. . . 1