• 301.846.2400 149
HIST 217-African-American History (3)
• Gen Ed History, Cultural Competence
Prerequisite or Co-requisite: ENGL 101
(formerly HI 217)
Surveys African-American history from the arrival of
the first Africans in 1619 to the present. Includes the
major economic, political, and social forces that have
helped shape the role of the African American in the
history of America.
HIST 220-WorldWar II (3)
• Gen Ed Social Science
Prerequisite or Co-requisite: ENGL 101
(formerly HI 220)
Surveys the major military and social developments
of WWII through films and selected readings.
Multicultural and multinational perspectives are
HIST 221-The Sixties (3)
• Gen Ed History
Prerequisite or Co-requisite: ENGL 101
(formerly HI 221)
Examines one of America's most turbulent
decades: the 1960s. This course explores the Civil
Rights Movement, the VietnamWar, the Anti-War
Movement, and changing cultural and social mores.
Emphasis will include an examination of the history,
politics, literature, and music of the era.
HLTH: Health Education
HLTH 100-Stress Management Techniques (1)
(formerly HE 115)
Introduces the basic concepts of stress management
and focuses on coping strategies and techniques to
reduce stress.
HLTH 150-Health Education (3)
• Gen Ed Wellness
Prerequisites: ENGL 70 or ENGL 75 or (ESOL 72 and ESOL
73) or ESO
100 OR Co-requisite: ENGL 75 or ESOL 100
(formerly HE 204)
Covers basic areas of health, including mental health,
fitness, nutrition, weight control, sexual health,
drugs and alcohol, disease and consumer and
environmental health.
HLTH 160-Stress Management (3)
• Gen Ed Wellness
Prerequisites: ENGL 70 or ENGL 75 or (ESOL 72 and ESOL
73) or ESOL 100 OR Co-requisite: ENGL 75 or ESOL 100
(formerly HE 201)
Examines current theories regarding the nature and
sources of stress in life. Students are introduced to
the physiology and psychology of stress. A variety of
stress management techniques and coping strategies
are explored.
HONR: Honors
HONR 201-Honors Applied Leadership &
Research (3)
Prerequisite: Permission of Honors Coordinator
(formerly ACE 201H)
Provides returning Honors students with the
opportunity to serve as peer mentors or leaders of
first-year Honors students as they explore current,
real-world issues and further advance their critical
thinking, communication, and research skills.
Students will develop and explore questions of
local, national, and global significance through
multicultural contexts while building relationships
with the instructor, classmates, and other college
personnel. Students will refine research and
presentation skills in preparation for academic
HUMN: Humanities
HUMN 104-Humanities in a Digital World (3)
• Gen Ed Humanities
Prerequisites: ENGL 70 or ENGL 75 or (ESOL 72 and ESOL
73) or ESOL 100
(formerly HU 104)
Introduces tools, such as Instagram and other
storytelling platforms and digital mapping, that are
transforming the study of the humanities. It also
explores digital and social media (tweets, Facebook
posts, blogs, computer games, etc.) as cultural
artifacts. The course is project-based and equips
students to apply digital tools and techniques to
a variety of disciplines including English, History,
Philosophy, and Social Sciences.
HUMN 105-Cultural Studies: Latin America (3)
• Gen Ed Humanities, Cultural Competence
Prerequisites: ENGL 70 or ENGL 75 or (ESOL 72 and ESOL
73) or ESOL 100
(formerly HU 105)
Introduces the cultural traditions of Latin America
focusing on the art, literature, dance, music, theater,
and film of Meso, Central, and South America as well
as the Caribbean.
HUMN 107-Cultural Studies: Asia (3)
• Gen Ed Humanities, Cultural Competence
Prerequisites: ENGL 70 or ENGL 75 or (ESOL 72 and ESOL
73) or ESOL 100
(formerly HU 107)
Introduces the cultural traditions of Asia focusing on
the art, literature, dance, music, theater, and film of
East Asia, India, and the Pacific Islands.
Course Descriptions
HUMN 204-World Religions (3)
• Gen Ed Humanities, Cultural Competence
Prerequisites: ENGL 70 or ENGL 75 or (ESOL 72 and ESOL
73) or ESOL 100 OR Co-requisite: ENGL 75 or ESOL 100
(formerly PH 204)
Explores the spiritual practices, symbols, myths,
and beliefs of indigenous, eastern, and Abrahamic
faiths, as well as those of some emerging religious
movements such as Scientology. Students will also
examine the impact of religion on human culture.
HUMN 210-The Language of Hip Hop (3)
• Gen Ed Humanities, Cultural Competence
Prerequisite or Co-requisite: ENGL 101
(formerly HU 210)
Examines the role of language, both verbal and non-
verbal, in the aesthetics, intercultural communication,
and cultural practices of hip hop through the study
of the origins and evolution of the culture, moving
on to key topics including authenticity, class, and
language ideology. Students will identify current
and historical elements of hip hop culture in the
US. Through multimedia analysis, critical reading
and listening, and student led discussion, students
will develop skills necessary to critically analyze
and explore the language of hip hop and survey its
historical development, political significance, and
social influence.
HUMN 223-Classical Mythology (3)
• Gen Ed Humanities
Prerequisite: ENGL 101
(formerly EN 223)
Surveys Greek and Roman mythology, emphasizing
the impact it has had on Western literature, art, music
and human culture throughout the ages. Attention
will also be paid to the sites of the ancient world
that have gained special significance through these
HUMS: Human Services
HUMS 102-Human Relations (3)
• Gen Ed Human Services, Cultural Competence
Prerequisite: ENGL 70 or (ESOL 70 and ESOL 71) OR
Prerequisites or Co-requisites: ENGL 75 or ESOL 100
(formerly HS 102)
Introduces students to the fundamentals of
interpersonal communication and examines such
communication in the context of culture, ethnicity,
gender, age, and race in particular. As an experiential
course, it seeks to increase the skills and sensitivity
necessary for successful human relationships in
a diverse global, national and local community.
The impact of the increasing use of interactive
technologies is also examined.