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2016/2017 fcc catalog


• 301.846.2400

To request articulated high school credit,

students must initiate the request for credit

within two (2) years of his/her graduation

from high school. Students must be enrolled

in an FCC class, and submit an official high

school transcript documenting the date of high

school graduation and the stipulated grade in

the articulated course and any other required

supporting materials to the FCC Welcome Center.

9. Portfolio Assessment

The portfolio development process provides

students an opportunity to document

college-level knowledge acquired from work,

independent reading, training programs,

volunteer activities, and other life experiences.

The portfolio documents student-generated

evidence of learning that satisfies an FCC degree

requirement. Students pay an assessment fee

for the portfolio to be reviewed by faculty or

staff trained in prior learning assessment. No

more than thirty (30) credits total may be earned

through portfolio assessment.

10. Independent Study

The independent study process permits students

to follow individual interests beyond the limits of

a more formalized course. It also encourages self-

discipline and scholarly development.

Students interested in independent study classes

can apply by obtaining an independent study

application from the Provost/Vice President for

Academic Affairs or appropriate Department

Chair and contacting a faculty member who

is willing to supervise the independent study.

Completed independent study forms must be

submitted to the Welcome Center. Students must

adhere to the add/drop dates in the schedule

of classes. Permission and faculty guidance is

required to register for an independent study


11. Internships

Internships allow students to gain experience

in a workplace as well as earn academic credit

for structured learning that occurs through

employment related to their academic majors.

To be eligible, students must meet the following


a. Earned a minimum grade point average of

2.000 and

b. Be in an eligible FCC program and

c. Be within the last fifteen (15) credits in their

college program

Requirements: Internship credits can be

earned through either part-time or full-time

employment. Part-time employment is normally

carried on concurrently with part- time or full-

time school enrollment. Hours of employment

may vary according to the type of position.

After receiving permission from the Internship

Coordinator, students are able to register for

either a 1, 2, or 3 credit internship course.

Details related to the internship experience are

articulated online



12. Reverse Transfer

Through reverse transfer, students who attended

FCC and transferred to another institution prior

to earning an associate degree may transfer

credits earned back to FCC in order to complete

an associate degree. To be eligible for reverse

transfer, students must have completed a

minimum of fifteen (15) college-level credits at

FCC and earned a 2.000 GPA while attending

FCC. For reverse transfer consideration,

students must submit an official transcript

from the institution attended, as well as an FCC

graduation application.

B. Change of Schedule

Students who wish to add or drop a course(s) may

do so during the defined change of schedule and

withdrawal period, respectively for each session.

These dates are published in the schedule of


1. Adding a Course

Students may add a course(s) to their schedule

during the Add/Drop period for each session.

Students must submit a completed Add/Drop

form to the Welcome Center or they may add

online via PeopleSoft. Students requesting to

add a course after the change of schedule period

must meet with the instructor who will make a

recommendation to the Registrar. Students seeking

late admission to an online course must contact

the Office of Distributed Learning for approval to

add a course after the change of schedule period.

2. Dropping a Course

Students may drop a course(s) with 100% refund

during the drop period for each session. The

dropped course will not appear on the student’s

transcript. Students must submit a completed Add/

Drop form to the Welcome Center, or they may

drop online via PeopleSoft.

3. Withdrawal

Students may withdraw from a credit course(s)

after the defined Add/Drop period but before the

published deadline in the Schedule of Classes.

Students who withdraw from a credit course(s) will

receive a grade of “W.”The withdrawn credit course

and the grade of “W” will appear on the student’s

transcript; however, no credit or quality points will

be assigned. Students must submit a completed

Add/Drop form to the Welcome Center or they may

withdraw online via PeopleSoft. For further details,

see the Student Withdrawal Policy and Procedures.

4. Co-listed Credit/Continuing Education

A student in a co-listed Credit/Continuing

Education class may change from credit to

Continuing Education or Continuing Education to

credit during the session’s add period. Students

changing from Continuing Education to credit

must meet all prerequisites.

C. Grading

1. Grading

a. Assessment methods resulting in the

assignment of a grade, are determined

by the Core Learning Outcomes of the

course, learner characteristics, and setting.

All Core Learning Outcomes should be

assessed. The instructor should use a

variety of assessment tools so that students

with different learning styles will have an

opportunity to demonstrate their mastery

of the Core Learning Outcomes. Typical

assessment methods include: objective

quizzes and tests, essay (short and long

answer) tests, papers and reports, journals,

presentations, posters, projects, group work,

case studies, portfolios, work sheets and lab

reports. Course attendance or participation

may be included in the course assessment

methods. The number and types of

assessments and the value assigned to

each and grading scale must be included

on the course syllabus. Faculty members

are required to assign a letter grade to each

student according to the following table

and adhere to the final grade submission

deadline for each session.

b. Grades of “S,”“U,” and “Z” will be used for

developmental courses in reading, writing,

and English as a Second Language and will

carry no quality points.

c. A grade of “W” is recorded for students who

withdraw from a class during the defined

withdrawal period for each session. These

dates are published in the schedule of


Grade Evaluation Quality Points



















W Withdrawal












In Progress




(Equivalent to a

grade of“C”or



DX Clemency/Passing


FX Clemnency/Failing