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2016/2017 fcc catalog

10. Honors College

Students who complete twelve (12) honors credits

(3 honors credits must be at the 200-level with an

honors research project or completion of an honors

independent study project) with an overall grade

point average GPA of 3.250 or higher are eligible

to graduate from the Honors College. Graduates

receive a notation on their transcripts recognizing

this achievement.

11. Commencement

Commencement is conducted each year in the

month of May, but diplomas are awarded in

August, December, January, and May. Diplomas

may also be awarded at additional times for special

programs at the discretion of the Registrar.

H. Course Substitutions

1. Substitutions of course requirements within

degree and certificate programs may be

considered under special circumstances;

however, no substitutions of course requirements

within letters of recognition are allowed.

2. Examples of circumstances which may warrant

a course substitution include those instances


a. a required course is no longer offered at

the College;

b. a student has taken a course so similar

to a required course that completing the

required course would be redundant; or

c. a required course has been cancelled or is

not scheduled to be offered soon enough

that a student’s ability to graduate in a

timely manner is compromised.

3. A non-general education course may not be

approved as a course substitute for a general

education requirement. In all cases, students

must meet the minimum requirements for

graduation as determined by the MHEC and as

approved by the College in the catalog year in

which the student was assigned his/her major.

4. The number of course substitutions should

be limited in order to maintain the academic

integrity of the program. In no case may course

substitutions constitute more than 33% of the

program as this constitutes a substantial change

in the curriculum as defined by MHEC.

5. Program Managers and/or Department

Chairs must complete a Course Substitution

form identifying the recommended course

substitution which is submitted to the Registrar

for review and final approval. In the event that

the recommended substitution does not fall

within the course substitution guidelines, the

Registrar will consult with the appropriate

Department Chair.

6. Students requesting a course substitution

based on the presence of a disability may

do so through the Services for Students with

Disabilities (SSD) program. Information on the

course substitution protocol is available from the

SSD department.

7. Approved course substitutions are stored in

students’ PeopleSoft records and are reflected

in the appropriate curricular requirement in

students’ degree audits.

8. Course substitutions should be requested,

approved, and recorded prior to the last date to

apply for graduation.

I. Academic Clemency

Academic Clemency provides students returning

to the College an opportunity to address prior

unsatisfactory academic performance. Academic

Clemency expunges a limited number of “D” and “F”

grades previously earned at FCC. Students will be

made aware of the Academic Clemency procedure

through the re-admission letter provided to them

upon re-application to the College. Students who

wish to apply for Academic Clemency will meet

with a member of Counseling and Advising to

discuss the procedure.

1. The following are conditions for requesting

Academic Clemency:

a. A student may only request Academic

Clemency once.

b. A student must have not attended FCC for

two (2) years before he/she is eligible to

request Academic Clemency.

c. A student must demonstrate that he/

she has the ability to benefit from

college. Therefore, upon re-admission

to the College, a student must achieve

a minimum 2.000 GPA in all courses

attempted by the end of the semester in

which the student reaches at least twelve

(12) attempted credits (6 of which must

be general education credits) before being

eligible to apply for Academic Clemency.

Exceptions to this provision may be granted

by the College Registrar.

d. Only courses in which a grade of “D” or

“F” has been earned will be considered for

Academic Clemency.

e. Developmental courses will not be

considered for Academic Clemency.

f. Courses that are required for the student’s

major are not eligible for consideration

under the Academic Clemency procedure,

therefore, students must repeat those

courses. In accordance with the College

procedure on repeating courses, the higher

grade will be used in the calculation of GPA.

2. When a student has met the conditions of

Academic Clemency, he/she will meet with a

member of Counseling and Advising to develop

an Academic Clemency plan and complete the

Request for Academic Clemency form.

a. The number of credits that may be

considered for Academic Clemency will

be determined on a case by case basis by

a Counseling and Advising staff member

working with the student. In no case can

the number of credits exceed twenty- four

(24) credits.

b. The Counseling and Advising staff member

will sign the completed Request for

Academic Clemency form and forward

it to the Registrar for final approval and


c. All course attempts will remain on

the transcript. Courses that have been

approved for Academic Clemency will be

designated with the grade of “FX” or “DX.”