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2016/2017 fcc catalog


• 301.846.2400

5. Attendance Reporting

The Federal Government mandates that

institutions identify students who are receiving

financial aid and are not attending class,

and return those aid dollars to the federal

government. Instructors are key in identifying

these students and assisting the College with

complying with Federal Title IV Financial Aid


Faculty members are required to report the

student’s attendance at the beginning of the

session and report no later than the dates

provided by the Financial Aid Office. FCC does

not disperse federal funds to students until

attendance is confirmed by the instructor.

Faculty who do not report attendance by the

established attendance due dates, will cause a

delay to students receiving their financial aid

awards. Faculty must also report the last date of

attendance for students assigned “F,”“W,” and “I”


D. Academic Progress

FCC is committed to assisting students in the

pursuit of their academic goals. While students at

the College are expected to take responsibility for

their own progress, the College periodically reviews

the academic progress students are making and

identifies their appropriate academic standing.

1. Academic Progress Review

a. Students are expected to maintain

minimum standards of academic

achievement as indicated by both GPA

and percentage of successfully completed


b. Students will be subject to Academic

Progress Review after attempting a total of

twelve (12) cumulative credits.

c. All students enrolled as degree seeking,

certificate seeking, and Open Campus

are subject to Academic Progress Review.

Students who are enrolled under the

admission classification of Courses of

Interest are not subject to Academic

Progress Review.

2. Definitions

a. Successfully completed credits – The

following grades represent successful

completion of credit: “A,”“B,”“C,”“D,”“S,”“P.”

b. Unsuccessfully completed credits – The

following grades represent unsuccessful

completion of credit: “W,”“F,”“AU,”“I,”“Z,” or “U.”

c. Credits attempted – Includes all credits

attempted (including developmental

courses) and courses in which a grade of

withdraw, audit, incomplete, or in progress

is recorded.

3. Academic Standings

a. Good Standing – Students will be

considered to be in good academic

standing when their cumulative GPA

is 2.000 or higher, and when they have

successfully completed at least 50% of their

cumulative credits attempted.

b. Academic Alert – Students are placed on

Academic Alert when their cumulative

GPA is less than 2.000, and/or they have

successfully completed less than 50% of

their cumulative credits attempted.

i. While on Academic Alert, students will

be required to meet with an Academic

Advisor to develop an Academic Success

Plan designed to provide students with

academic support to facilitate their


ii. While on Academic Alert, students will

be required to have their registration

approved by an Academic Advisor.

iii. While there is no credit restriction while

on Academic Alert, students on Academic

Alert at the time of pre-registration

for a subsequent semester can only

pre-register for six (6) credits until final

grades for the current semester have

been posted. Students who conclude the

semester in Good Standing are then able

to add additional credits to their semester


iv. Students who demonstrate academic

progress while on Academic Alert, as

evidenced by achievement of a minimum

2.000 semester GPA, and successful

completion of at least 50% of semester

credits attempted will be allowed to

continue even though their cumulative

GPA has not reached the required 2.000.

Students will be assigned a standing of

Academic Alert with Progress.

c. Academic Alert with Progress – Students

who demonstrate academic progress

while on Academic Alert, as evidenced by

achievement of a minimum 2.000 semester

GPA, and successful completion of at least

50% of semester credits attempted will

be allowed to continue even though their

cumulative GPA is less than 2.000, and/or

they have successfully completed less than

50% of their cumulative credits attempted.

i. While on Academic Alert with Progress,

students are not required to have their

registration approved by an Academic


ii. There is no credit restriction while on

Academic Alert with Progress.

iii. Students on Academic Alert with

Progress at the time of pre-registration for

a subsequent semester can pre-register

with no credit restriction.

d. Academic Probation – Students on

Academic Alert or Academic Alert

with Progress who fail to achieve a

2.000 semester GPA, and/or who fail to

successfully complete at least 50% of

semester credits attempted are placed on

Academic Probation.

i. While on Academic Probation, students

will be required to meet with an

Academic Advisor to develop an

Academic Success Plan designed to

provide students with academic support

to facilitate their success.

ii. Students who are on Academic Probation

must have their registration approved by

an Academic Advisor and will be limited

to enrollment in six (6) credits.

iii. Students who are on Academic Probation

will not be allowed to pre-register for the

subsequent semester until final grades for

the current semester are posted.

iv. Students who demonstrate academic

progress while on Academic Probation, as

evidenced by achievement of a minimum

2.000 semester GPA, and successful

completion of at least 50% of semester

credits attempted will be allowed to

continue even though their cumulative

GPA has not reached the required 2.000.

Students will be assigned a standing of

Academic Alert with Progress.

e. Academic Suspension – Students on

Academic Probation who fail to achieve

a 2.000 semester GPA, and/or who fail

to successfully complete at least 50%

of semester credits attempted will be

academically suspended for one fall or

spring semester, and any preceding J-term

or summer term.

f. Academic Dismissal – Students who are

subject to Academic Dismissal will be

dismissed for a period of two (2) semesters,

and any preceding J-term or summer term.

Students are subject to Academic Dismissal


i. satisfactory progress is not made in the

first semester upon their reenrollment

following Academic Suspension; or

ii. the student has been placed on

Academic Suspension for a second


4. Re-admission Following Academic Suspension

a. Prior to reenrollment, students who have

been academically suspended must

develop a plan to remediate their academic

deficiencies and meet with an Academic

Advisor. The Academic Advisor will develop

an Academic Success Plan with the student

identifying any academic requirements

to be met including enrollment in

developmental requirements, appropriate

academic support courses, or use of

academic support services.