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2016/2017 fcc catalog


• 301.846.2400

IV. Prohibited Conduct

A. The manufacture, sale, distribution, dispensation,

possession, or use of illegal drugs or controlled

substances, and the abuse or unauthorized use

of alcohol by anyone on College premises, at

any College-sponsored activities, or in College

vehicles is prohibited. These violations may

result in disciplinary action which could include

criminal prosecution.

B. With the exception of parking lots, the use of

all tobacco products is prohibited on College

premises by any member of the College

community, visitor, or guest. The use of all

tobacco products is prohibited in College

vehicles at all times.

V. Reporting/Sanctions

A. Anyone who witnesses or has knowledge of

violations of this Policy occurring on College

premises or at a College-sponsored activity

should contact College Security at (301) 846-

2453 or (301) 606-7716. In the case of an

emergency, dial (301) 846-2453, extension 4444

from any campus phone, or activate any of the

College emergency phone poles. Reporting

protocols for off-site programs will be followed

for violations of this Policy.

B. Students

1. Anyone who has ATODA concerns

regarding a student should complete

a Student Behavior Incident Report



incidentreport.php?FrederickCC) and

submit it to the Office of the Associate

Vice President/Dean of Students, located

in Suite J319 of Jefferson Hall. Students

charged with violating the ATODA policy

will be adjudicated under the College Code

of Student Conduct.

2. Sanctions for students are listed in the

Code of Student Conduct, Section VI.C.

C. Employees

1. Anyone who has ATODA concerns

regarding an employee should contact the

AVP for Human Resources, located in Suite

G223 of Gambrill Hall. The AVP for Human

Resources must then notify the appropriate

supervisor and Senior Leader.

2. Sanctions for employees are outlined in

College policy.

D. Visitors and Guests

1. All violations of this Policy by visitors or

guests should be reported immediately to

College Security at (301) 846-2453 or (301)

606-7716. In the case of an emergency,

dial (301) 846-2453, extension 4444 from

any campus phone, or activate any of the

College emergency phone poles.

2. Law enforcement may be called to respond

if a visitor or guest is in violation of this


VI. Overdose Response

A. FCC has established guidelines and procedures

for the utilization of nasal Naloxone by

designated and trained employees of the


B. The Director of Public Safety and Security will:

1. Designate employees who are to receive

training and be certified every two years in

the use of nasal Naloxone.

2. Ensure that the nasal Naloxone kits are

current and not past the expiration date.

3. Ensure proper, secure, and efficient storage

and deployment of nasal Naloxone for

on-campus use.

4. Ensure that any use of the nasal Naloxone

on an individual is documented, and

required notifications are made to the Chief

of Operations, Poison Control Center, and

the Frederick County Health Department.

VII. Notification of Conviction

A. As a condition of employment, employees

must abide by the terms of this Policy and notify

the Human Resources Office in writing of any

criminal drug statute conviction, no later than

five calendar days after such conviction. Lack of

compliance with these requirements may subject

the employee to immediate dismissal.

B. Upon receipt of notification of a conviction,

the College will take the following actions as

required by law:

1. Notify the appropriate federal agencies of

such convictions within ten calendar days,


2. Take appropriate personnel action against

the employee, up to and including

termination; and/or

3. Require the employee to participate

satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or

rehabilitation program approved for such

purposes by a federal, state or local health,

law enforcement, or other appropriate


4. Sanctions for employees may include

reprimand, warning, suspension with or

without pay, or dismissal from employment.

The College may also require the

completion of an appropriate rehabilitation


VIII. Acceptable Use

A. Alcoholic beverages may be served at College-

sponsored events or non-College-sponsored

events held on College premises with the written

approval of the President upon securing the

proper licensing, permitting, insurance, and

meeting all local and state requirements related

to usage control.

B. Specific curricula or program areas may have

acceptable use policies upon approval of the


C. The handling of prescription/controlled

medications as part of health science clinical

assignments is granted by the President.

D. Employees should report to work fit for duty

and free of any adverse effects of illegal drugs

or alcohol. This does not prohibit employees

from the lawful use and possession of prescribed

medications. Employees must, however, consult

with their physicians about the medication’s

effect on their fitness for duty and the ability to

work safely and promptly disclose restrictions

to their supervisor. Employees should not,

however, disclose underlying medical conditions

to supervisors, but should do so to the Health

Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

(HIPAA) official in Human Resources.

Behavior Evaluation and

Response Team Procedure

A. Introduction

The Behavior Evaluation and Response Team

(BERT) is a team of campus officials who receive

and evaluate faculty, staff, and student concerns

regarding student behavior that may be disruptive,

self injurious, or potentially pose a risk of harm to

the health, safety, or property of any person or of

the College, or otherwise be dangerous. The goal

of BERT is to provide members of the campus

community with a response to problematic

behavior that maximizes the opportunity to

effectively resolve the issue and minimizes the

likelihood that problematic behavior will escalate.

B. Team Composition

The BERT team will consist of the following core

members: The Associate Vice President for Student

Development, the Executive Director of Counseling

and Advising, the Director of Services for

Students with Disabilities, the Executive Director,

Risk Management/ Public Safety, the Assistant

Director, Risk Management/Public Services, and

the Associate Vice President/Dean of Workforce

Development and Professional Preparation. In

addition, in cases involving student behavior

brought to the attention of the team by a faculty

member, the Department Chair of the relevant

discipline will be included. The Department

Chair may request that the relevant Program

Manager also participate. Further, staff from other

departments who may have relevant information

or who may have knowledge of the involved

student may be asked to participate on an ad hoc
