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2016/2017 fcc catalog

C. Certain criminal or civil offenses or other

behavior may by their very nature, pose a

serious and substantial danger to the College

community. Violations of laws, ordinances,

policies, rules, procedures, and regulations will

subject the violator to appropriate criminal or

civil action.

D. College jurisdiction regarding discipline under

this Policy extends to conduct that occurs on

College premises or at off-campus-sponsored


E. The Vice President for Learning Support

delegates authority to discipline visitors and

guests to the Director of Public Safety and


F. Visitors and guests whose behavior leads to

subsequent action by Campus Security, including

those who are issued a Letter of No Trespass or

are escorted from campus, must meet certain

requirements before regaining access to College-

sponsored events or other campus activities.

III. Definitions

When used in this Code, the following definitions will


A. The term

“College community”


trustees, students, and all employees of the

College as well as any independent contractors

or other third parties to the extent articulated

under contractual agreements.

B. The term


means Frederick

Community College and, collectively, those

responsible for its control and operation and

applies to all sites at which the College conducts

classes and/or activities.

C. The term


means an individual who

is registered at the College, either full or part-

time, in a credit or non-credit course or courses,

who has either paid or made arrangement for

payment of tuition and/or fees.

D. The term

“visitors and guests”


persons who are not members of the College

community who are on College premises.

E. The term

“College-sponsored activity”

means any activity that is initiated, authorized,

or supervised by the College, or that involves

representation of the College.

F. The term

“College premises”

means buildings

or grounds owned, leased, operated, controlled,

supervised, or temporarily used by the College.

G. A

“Letter of No Trespass”

is an order given

to a visitor or guest indicating they have violated

a College policy or procedure and that they

are prohibited from participating in a College-

sponsored activity or being present on College

premises. A Letter of No Trespass prohibits

the recipient from returning to any College-

sponsored event or location for a period of no

less than one year.

IV. Rights and Responsibilities of Visitors and


Visitors and guests to the College have certain rights

and also bear certain responsibilities.

A. Visitors and guests have the right to freedom of

speech, assembly, advocacy, and inquiry. They are

responsible for complying with applicable College

policies, procedures, rules, and regulations.

B. Visitors and guests are responsible for exercising

their right of personal expression in a manner

that is not disruptive or defamatory.

C. Visitors and guests are responsible for respecting

the rights of others.

D. Frederick Community College is a family-friendly

institution that welcomes children to participate

in a number of programs and activities. The

College recognizes that visitors often need to

bring children (defined as persons under the

age of 16 who are not students at the College)

to campus. Children must at all times be under

the direct supervision of a parent, guardian, or

an adult. Children must observe the Code of

Conduct for Visitors and Guests.

V. Prohibited Conduct and Response

The Code of Conduct for Visitors and Guests

addresses behavioral actions. The College reserves

the right to take criminal and civil action against

visitors and guests for misconduct not specifically

identified in this Code.

When the actions of visitors and guests rise to

the level of criminal behavior or, when they fail to

respond to a directive issued by campus security

personnel, they are issued a written order or

subsequently sent a Letter of No Trespass. In these

instances, visitors and guests are escorted from

campus or the College-sponsored activity, and the

Letter of No Trespass is sent to the Frederick Police

Department. Letters of No Trespass are in effect for

a period of no less than one year from the moment

they are ordered.

VI. Procedure to Return after Issuance of a

Letter of No Trespass from the College

Any visitor or guest who is issued a Letter of No

Trespass must meet with specific College personnel

to seek permission to return. Visitors and guests

who have been issued a Letter of No Trespass and

wish to attend a College-sponsored activity or

return to campus for an event must meet with the

Director of Public Safety and Security or his/her

designee prior to the event and if the no trespass

notice is withdrawn, a withdrawal letter will be

issued at that time.

Visitors and guests who have been issued a Letter

of No Trespass and wish to enroll in a credit or

non-credit course or program, must meet with the

Associate Vice President/Dean of Students in order

to obtain permission to return to any subsequent

college-sponsored event including registration and

enrollment. In either instance, the visitor or guest

may be placed on probationary status, denied

access, or issued a warning depending upon the

circumstance of the Letter of No Trespass.

Code of Student Conduct

I. Philosophy and Purpose

The Code of Student Conduct is designed to promote

responsible behavior for all students consistent with

the mission and values of Frederick Community

College. This Code defines behavioral rights and

responsibilities within the College community so

that everyone can attain their academic, social,

and personal goals. As members of the College

community, students are encouraged to value

the pursuit of knowledge borne in an attitude

of intellectual and artistic freedom, diversity and

inclusion, responsibility to the community and the

environment, ethical conduct, mutual respect, and

civility. Each student is subject to federal and state

laws, county, and municipal ordinances, and all

policies, procedures, rules, and regulations of the

College. Students are to act responsibly and respect

the rights of all members of the College community

regardless of age, ancestry, citizenship status, color,

creed, ethnicity, gender identity and expression,

genetic information, marital status, mental or physical

disability, national origin, race, religious affiliation, sex,

sexual orientation, or veteran status and any other

category protected by federal, state, or local law.

II. Application and Scope of Jurisdiction

A. College jurisdiction regarding discipline of any

student or student organization under this Code

of Student Conduct extends to conduct that

occurs on College premises or at off-campus

College-sponsored activities. Violations of

laws, ordinances, policies, rules, procedures,

and regulations will subject the violator to

appropriate disciplinary action. The scope of this

Code extends to compliance with professional

standards of conduct or ethics that students

must adhere to as part of their studies, including,

but not limited to, while performing external

internships, clinicals, practicums, study abroad,

or other placements related to credit and non-

credit educational pursuits while at FCC. The

process of adjudicating violations for this code is

separate and pursued independently of federal

and state laws.

B. The Vice President for Learning Support

delegates authority to discipline students to the

Associate Vice President/Dean of Students (AVP/

DOS) who may appoint a designee to assist

when necessary.

C. Disciplinary action will be taken when

any student, group of students, or student

organization violates any College policy, rules, or

regulations. In all proceedings, the principle of

due process is guaranteed to the student.