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2016/2017 fcc catalog

I. Students have the right to participate in the

evaluation process of academic courses,

programs, and services. Students are responsible

for rendering fair and accurate evaluations.

J. Students have the right to fair evaluation by

faculty members, based upon clearly defined

criteria presented at the beginning of the

course. Students are responsible for meeting

all established requirements of each course for

which they enroll.

K. Students have the right to substantive and

procedural due process as it relates to College

policies, procedures, rules, and regulations.

Students are responsible for following all policies,

procedures, rules, and regulations, including, but

not limited to, student conduct.

L. Students have the right to file academic or

general grievances against any faculty or staff

member who has, in a student’s opinion,

displayed inappropriate behavior or violated

College policies, procedures, rules, or regulations.

Students are responsible for following the

College policies and procedures (www.frederick.


V. Prohibited Conduct

The Code of Student Conduct addresses both

behavioral and academic integrity. The College

reserves the right to take disciplinary action against

students for misconduct not specifically identified

in this Code. All reported violations of the Code of

Student Conduct and their subsequent resolutions

will be maintained through the secured College

tracking system. Violations of academic integrity

will be monitored and managed by the office of the

Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs. All other

reported violations of the Code of Student Conduct

and their subsequent resolutions will be monitored

and managed by the office of the Vice President for

Learning Support.

The following prohibited conduct, when committed

by any student, or any student who aids, abets,

incites, or attempts to commit prohibited conduct,

will be considered in violation of the Code of Student


A. Violation of Academic Integrity

1. A violation of Academic Integrity includes,

but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, or

facilitating dishonest activities. Examples of

violations are provided below. The principles are

applicable to all credit and non-credit courses

at the College.

a. Cheating - the intentional or attempted use

of unauthorized materials, information, or

study aids in an academic exercise. Examples

include, but are not limited to:

i. Use of notes, examinations, instructional

material, or information obtained by

electronic means during academic activities.

ii. Obtaining, using, or processing copies of an

examination, and/or providing or receiving

information contained in an examination.

iii. Submitting another’s work as one’s own.

iv. Having an examination taken by another


v. Altering or falsifying examination or class

results after evaluation is completed by the

faculty member.

vi. Carrying in or using unauthorized material

during testing.

vii. Copying answers and/or work from another

student during an individually assigned

classroom activity.

b. Plagiarism - the presentation of an idea or

product as new when taken from an original

existing source without properly citing the

source of the material.

Examples of plagiarism include:

i. Duplicating another author’s work (in whole or

part) without quotation marks and/or proper


ii. Duplicating the author’s exact words with the

proper citation, but without quotation marks.

iii. Using an author’s paraphrased ideas without

proper citations.

iv. Submitting a paper in which the exact words

are only rearranged in order without proper


c. Other Forms of Academic Dishonesty. Examples

include but are not limited to fabricating,

falsifying, or inventing information, data, or

citations in an academic activity.

2. When a faculty member has reason to believe

that a violation of Academic Integrity has

occurred, the faculty member will complete

and submit the Student Behavior Incident

Report Form available on the College website

and Communication Central and notify their

Department Chair or Director. The report will

be monitored and managed using the secured

College tracking system. The faculty member

will also notify the Provost/Vice President for

Academic Affairs who will place a temporary

hold on the student’s account while the case is

being reviewed. The faculty member will address

the violation of academic integrity with the

student in his/her class.

The student will be afforded the opportunity to

respond to the allegation during his/her meeting

with the faculty member. Following meeting

with the student, the faculty member will make a

determination as to the occurrence of a violation

based on the preponderance of the evidence

presented during the meeting.

IV. Student Rights and Responsibilities

Frederick Community College recognizes that

its students have certain rights as members of

the College community and also bear certain

responsibilities as well.

A. Students have the right to freedom of speech,

assembly, advocacy, and inquiry. Students are

responsible for complying with all College

policies, procedures, rules, and regulations.

B. Students have the right to offer opposing

opinions and to reserve judgment about matters

of personal opinion. Students are responsible for

exercising their right of personal expression in a

manner that is not disruptive or defamatory.

C. Students have the right to offer opposing

opinions and to reserve judgment about their

views, beliefs, academic evaluations, political

affiliations, and educational records. Students are

responsible for respecting this right of others.

D. Students have the right to participate in, or

receive the benefits of any educational program

or activity provided by the College regardless

of age, ancestry, citizenship status, color, creed,

ethnicity, gender identity and expression, genetic

information, marital status, mental or physical

disability, national origin, race, religious affiliation,

sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status and

any other category protected by federal, state or

local law.

E. Students have the right to participate in any

student group without discrimination and to

form such groups according to the Student

Government Association’s (SGA) policies.

F. Students have the right to form a student

government which shall be governed by a

constitution approved by the President of the

College and the President’s Senior Leadership

Team. Students are responsible for abiding by

that constitution. The actions of the student

government may be reviewed only through

prescribed procedures.

G. Students have the right to participate in

the development and review of institutional,

academic, and student policies. Opportunities

for such participation will be provided through

student representatives to the College Senate

and appropriate committees. As participants

in the institutional process, students are

responsible for complying with all College

policies and procedures, attending meetings,

and participating in the decision-making process

with the welfare of the entire student body in


H. Students have the right to recommend

allocation of funds collected from student

fees. Organizations receiving such funds are

responsible for opening all programs and

events to the entire student population without

exception and abiding by the procedures

outlined in the SGA Funding Guidelines.