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2016/2017 fcc catalog


• 301.846.2400

6. Video monitoring for security purposes and

exam proctoring in the Testing Center will be

conducted in a manner consistent with all

existing College policies, including the Non-

Discrimination Policy, the Sexual Harassment

Policy, and other relevant policies. The College

prohibits video monitoring based on the

characteristics and classifications contained in

the Non-Discrimination Policy (e.g. race, gender,

sexual orientation, national origin, disability, etc.).

7. Video monitoring of areas for security purposes

at the College is limited to locations that do not

violate the reasonable expectations of privacy as

defined by law.

8. Except as provided in section E (9) of this

document, all video camera installations will be

visible. The equipment used by the College will

not possess the capability of recording sound at

any time.

D. Responsibilities

1. The Department of Risk Management and

Public Services is authorized to oversee and

coordinate the use of video equipment for public

safety and security purposes at the College. The

Center for Teaching and Learning’s Testing Center

Manager is authorized to oversee and coordinate

the use of video equipment for exam proctoring

and promoting academic integrity in the Testing


2. The Executive Director of RMPS has the

responsibility to authorize the use of video

equipment for public safety and security

purposes at the College. All new installations

will follow the RMPS operating principles. The

Testing Center Manager has the responsibility to

authorize the use of video equipment for exam

proctoring and promoting academic integrity in

the Testing Center.

3. The RMPS Department will monitor new

developments in the relevant law and in

security industry practices to ensure that video

monitoring at the College is consistent with the

highest standards and protections.

E. Procedures

1. All officers and supervisors involved with

the use of video equipment and systems

will perform their duties in accordance with

department and College rules and regulations.

2. All Testing Center full-time and hourly staff

members will be trained in the use of video

monitoring equipment, and FCC’s reporting

procedure for academic dishonesty will be


3. Security/safety officers/Testing Center staff are

prohibited from using and/or disseminating any

information acquired from the video equipment.

All information and/or observations made in

the use of the CCTV equipment are considered

CONFIDENTIAL and can only be used for official

College and law enforcement business upon the

approval of the Vice President for Administration.

4. Camera locations are discussed with and

approved by the President’s Administrative

Staff (PAS) for each campus building before

installation takes place.

5. The Department of RMPS will post signage at

appropriate campus entrances. Signage will

state: This facility employs video surveillance

equipment for security purposes. This equipment

may or may not be monitored at any time.

Signage will be posted at the entrance to the

Testing Center as well as in individual testing labs

that states: The Testing Center employs video

monitoring equipment for promoting academic

integrity. This equipment is monitored and

recorded at all times.

6. Recorded events are stored temporarily on a

Digital Video Recorder (DVR), unless retained

as part of a criminal investigation, court

proceedings (criminal or civil), College judicial

proceedings, or other Bona Fide use as approved.

7. Cameras are NOT monitored under normal

operating conditions, but may be monitored

periodically for legitimate safety and security

purposes that include, but are not limited to,

the following: high risk areas, restricted access

areas/locations, in response to an alarm, at times

and locations that have previously experienced

violations, special events and specific

investigations upon reasonable cause.

8. Should monitoring reveal activity that violates

laws or policy, an investigation will be initiated.

Should exam monitoring in the Testing Center

reveal violations 4 of academic integrity, College

Procedure 4.15, Violation of Academic Integrity,

will be followed.

9. Periodically the College experiences patterns of

criminal activity, both to persons and property.

Much of the problem has been confined to acts

of vandalism or theft of property or equipment.

In an effort to combat these problems, either by

deterring the activity or apprehending violators,

the College may use video equipment for covert

surveillance purposes. As previously noted,

the cameras will not be installed in any area

that would violate the reasonable expectations

of privacy as defined by law. No further

announcement will be made prior to the actual

placement of video equipment.

F. The Department of Risk Management and Public

Services, with the approval of PAS, will only use

covert cameras with recording equipment for

criminal investigations. The following procedures

will be followed:

1. The Executive Director of Risk Management and

Public Services shall advise the Vice President

for Administration of the need for installation

and activation of a covert camera, including:

the knowledge and/or allegation leading to

the recommendation for the purpose of the

cameras. Additionally, the justification shall

include the specific location of the camera,

date(s) of operation installation and protocol for

reporting the video evidence. The Vice President

for Administration will present the request to PAS

for approval prior to the installation.

2. If the camera has been installed and activated

as a result of a specific investigation, it shall

be the responsibility of the Executive Director

of RMPS to ensure that the device is removed

promptly at the end of the investigation.

3. It shall be the responsibility of the Vice President

for Administration to determine if any other

College personnel should be made aware of the

installation and activation of the covert camera.

Code of Conduct for Visitors

and Guests

I. Philosophy and Purpose

The Code of Conduct for Visitors and Guests

is designed to promote and preserve a safe

environment for all who attend and participate

in College-sponsored events or use College

services. Visitors and guests are subject to federal

and state laws, county and municipal ordinances,

and applicable policies, procedures, rules, and

regulations of the College. Visitors and guests

are expected to act responsibly and respect the

rights of the College community regardless of

age, ancestry, citizenship status, color, creed,

ethnicity, gender identity and expression, genetic

information, marital status, mental or physical

disability, national origin, race, religious affiliation,

sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status and any

other category protected by federal, state or local


II. Application and Scope of Jurisdiction

A. This policy extends to all individuals who do

not meet the definition of a member of the

College community. This would include visitors

to campus, applicants for admission, and former

students who are not currently registered or

those who have registered for a subsequent term

but have not yet paid or made arrangement to

pay tuition and/or fees.

B. Persons not officially enrolled in the College,

who by their actions on campus violate their

status as invited visitors or guests, are subject

to disciplinary action by the College and/or law
