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2016/2017 fcc catalog


• 301.846.2400

D. The term

“College premises”


buildings or grounds owned, leased, operated,

controlled, supervised, or temporarily used by

the College.

E. The term

“College-sponsored activity”

means any activity that is initiated, authorized,

or supervised by the College, or that involves

representation of the College.


“College Official”

means administrators,

supervisors, faculty, adjunct faculty, support staff,

campus security, coaches, or trainers.


“College Support Person”

means an

employee of the College chosen to accompany

and assist a complainant or respondent during

an appeal hearing. Both the complainant and

respondent are entitled to have a College

Support Person of their choice. The College

Support Person cannot be a fact witness or

provide statements in the proceedings. The

College Support Person is a non-participant who

is present to assist a complainant or respondent

by taking notes or providing emotional support

and reassurance.


“College Senate”

has as its purpose providing

a framework of internal decision making within

which all members of the College community

can participate.

I. The term


means an individual

who makes a complaint that a violation of the

Code has occurred.

J. The term


means an individual

who has been accused of violating the Code and

is referenced in a complaint.



is the meeting between a College

administrator and complainant or respondent.

L. The term


means the use of

the Internet or other electronic means, including

but not limited to email, text messaging,

discussion boards, digital images, or social

networking sites, to stalk or harass an individual,

a group, or an organization. It may include false

accusations, defamation, slander, or libel. It may

also include monitoring, identity theft, threats,

vandalism, solicitation for sex, or gathering

information that may be used to threaten or


M. The term

“faculty member”

means any

person hired or retained by the College to

conduct classroom instruction.

N. The term

“preponderance of evidence”

means evidence which is of greater weight

or more convincing than the evidence to the

contrary; evidence which shows that something

is more likely than not to be true or 50.1% likely

to have occurred.

D. The College reserves the right to take immediate

action to suspend a student from the campus as

an interim measure should the presence of the

student on campus be considered an immediate

danger or whose behavior causes, or threatens

to cause, a disruption to the normal operations

and activities of the College, its students, faculty,

or staff. This action requires the recommendation

of the AVP/DOS, or designee, in concurrence

with the Vice President for Learning Support or

designee. Financial and academic consequences

of this measure are the responsibility of the

student, unless the student is found to have

not violated this Code through the appropriate

appeal process.

E. Certain criminal or civil offenses or other

behavior that poses a serious and substantial

danger to the College community will be

referred to law enforcement, as well as being

subject to action by the College.

F. All proceedings of the College disciplinary

process are confidential to the extent required by

law. In accordance with the Family Educational

Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA, 93-380), as

amended, a student’s disciplinary records are

educational documents and thus protected

under FERPA. However, the College must, upon

written request, disclose to the alleged victim

of any crime of violence or a non forcible sex

offense, the results (Results means a disclosure

of the name of the student, the violation

committed, and the sanction imposed by the

institution.) of any disciplinary proceeding

conducted by the College against a student

who is the alleged perpetrator of such crime or

offense. If the alleged victim is deceased as a

result of the crime or offense, the information

shall be provided, upon written request, to the

next of kin of the alleged victim. (See FERPA 34

CFR, 99.39 for definitions of crimes of violence,

non forcible sex offenses, and limits on the

information to be disclosed.)

III. Definitions for the Purpose of this Code

When used in this Code the following definitions will




shall refer to the Behavior Evaluation

and Response Team, comprised of campus

officials who receive and evaluate faculty and

staff concerns regarding student behavior that

may be disruptive, self-injurious, or potentially

pose a risk of harm to the health, safety, or

property of any person or of the College, or

otherwise be dangerous.

B. The term


means Frederick

Community College and, collectively, those

responsible for its control and operation and

applies to all sites at which the College conducts

classes and/or activities.

C. The term

“College community”


trustees, students, and all employees of the

College as well as any independent contractors

or other third parties to the extent articulated

under contractual agreements.

O. The

“secured College tracking system”

maintains records of reports and responses to

violations of prohibited conduct and behaviors

of concern, and contains documentation of

interventions, resolutions, and appeals. The

oversight and management of the system is

administered by the Vice President for Learning

Support, Provost/Vice President for Academic

Affairs, Vice President for Continuing Education

& Workforce Development, AVP/DOS, and the

Executive Director of Counseling and Advising

(BERT Chair) or their designees.

P. The term

“sexual misconduct”

is a broad

term used to define acts of sexual assault, sexual

exploitation, sexual harassment, intimidation,

stalking; dating, domestic or intimate partner

violence, or retaliation. (Sexual Misconduct

complaints are adjudicated under the College

Title IX Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures


Q. The term


means an individual who

is registered at the College, either full or part-

time, in a credit or non-credit course or courses,

who has either paid or made arrangement for

payment of tuition and/or fees.

R. The

“Student Discipline Committee”


to a standing committee of the College Senate to

whom students may appeal interim suspensions

and/or disciplinary sanctions taken against them.

The Student Discipline Committee members will

be trained in appeal hearing procedures.

S. The term

“student organization”


any entity that has complied with formal

requirements of College recognition as defined

in the Constitution of the Student Government



“Student Behavior Incident Report Form”

refers to the form available on the College

website and Communication Central which is

to be used by students and/or staff to report

behaviors of concern outlined in this Code of

Student Conduct.

U. The term


means any person who is

not a member of the College community who is

on College premises.

V. The term


refers to, but is not limited

to explosives, firearms, guns (including BB, pellet,

or paintball guns), stun guns, Taser guns, bows,

slingshots, switchblades, daggers, blackjacks,

brass or metal knuckles, hunting knives, martial

arts weapon (e.g., nunchacu), dirt knives, bowie

knives, star knives, pocket knives, swords, sand

clubs, bill clubs, razors, any device capable of

projecting a ball, pellet, arrow, bullet, missile,

shell, or other.

W. The term


means Monday through

Friday and does not include weekends, holidays,

or days the College is closed.