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2016/2017 fcc catalog


• 301.846.2400

E. Title IX Sexual Misconduct

1. Sexual misconduct is a broad term used to

define acts of sexual assault, sexual exploitation,

sexual harassment, intimidation, stalking,

dating, domestic or intimate partner violence, or

retaliation. When the respondent is an employee

or student of the College, the complaint is

handled under the College Title IX Sexual

Misconduct Policy and Procedures (www.


2. All complaints of sexual misconduct must be

reported to the College Title IX Coordinator

designated by the President as the Associate

Vice President for Human Resources, Suite G223

of Gambrill Hall, Frederick Community College,

301-846-2436. Complaints may also be reported

through the Student Behavior Incident Report


F. Discrimination

1. Frederick Community College prohibits



nondiscrimination against any person on the

basis of age, ancestry, citizenship status, color,

creed, ethnicity, gender identity and expression,

genetic information, marital status, mental or

physical disability, national origin, race, religious

affiliation, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran

status in its activities, admissions, educational

programs, and employment.

2. All discrimination complaints should be reported

to the Associate Vice President for Human

Resources, Suite G223 of Gambrill Hall, (301)


G. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Use

1. Frederick Community College prohibits the use

of alcohol and other drug products on all College

property, owned or leased. The use of tobacco

is allowed only in College parking lots. Tobacco

is defined as all tobacco-derived or containing

products, including, but not limited to, cigarettes

(clove, bidis, kreteks), electronic cigarettes and

vaporizers, cigars and cigarillos, hookah smoked

products, and oral tobacco (spit and spit less,

smokeless, chew, snuff).

2. All violations of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug

use should be referred to the AVP/DOS and/or

College security and will be dealt with through

the Code of Student Conduct, Section VI of this


H. Weapons

1. Weapons and ammunition are safety hazards

and as such, unless explicitly permitted, are

not allowed to be possessed, stored, used,

transported or displayed by any student or visitor

on College premises. (See College Weapons

Policy and Procedures.)

2. All weapons violations should be referred to the

AVP/DOS and/or College security and will be

dealt with through the Code of Student Conduct,

Section VI of this Policy.

I. Misuse of Information Technology


1. Irresponsible, unethical, unauthorized, or

illegal use of, or entry to College information

technology resources, including its network,

email system, and databases is strictly prohibited.

(See College Policy/Procedure 6.26).

2. All violations of acceptable use of information

technology resources should be referred to the

AVP/DOS and/or College security and will be

dealt with through the Code of Student Conduct,

Section VI of this Policy.

J. Other Prohibited Conduct

The subsequent conduct, including, but not limited

to the following, when committed by a student of

Frederick Community College will be adjudicated

in accordance with the procedures outlined in this

document, Section VI, under the Code of Student

Conduct Referral, Sanctions, and Appeal Process.

1. Disruption, obstruction of, or interference

with College or College-sponsored activities,

including, but not limited to research, studying,

administration, participation in field experiences,

online activities, internships, athletic events,

cultural events, fire, police, or emergency

services, or other College functions on College

property, at College-leased or owned facilities, or

at any sites where College-sponsored activities

are held.

2. Failure to comply with the reasonable directions

(including refusing to furnish identification

upon request) of authorized College officials,

including campus security personnel, acting in

the performance of their duties.

3. Participation in, or organization of, any

unauthorized activity to interrupt the functions

of the College or intentional and substantial

interference with the freedom of expression of


4. Unauthorized entry to or use of College

property, including the failure to leave any of

the College buildings or grounds after being

requested to do so by an authorized College


5. Theft or attempted theft of College or personal

property of a member of the College community

or campus visitor, or knowingly possessing stolen


6. Illegal gambling.

7. Forgery, unauthorized alteration, falsification of,

or unauthorized use of any College documents

(including those submitted to the College as

part of its admissions process), records, keys, or

instruments of identification.

8. The illegal or unauthorized use, possession, or

storage of any fireworks, explosive, or dangerous


9. Unauthorized use or misuse of the College name

or logo for soliciting funds or for sponsorship of

activities, or on printed matter.

10. Violation of rules and regulations pertaining to

the operation of automobiles, bicycles, mopeds,

or other vehicles on College property or at

College-sponsored activities.

11. Deliberate destruction of, damage to, malicious

use of, or abuse of College property or property

under its jurisdiction or the property of a

member of the College community or campus


12. Intentional initiation or causing to be initiated

any false report, warning, or threat of fire,

explosion, or other emergency.

13. Violating fire or safety regulations, including

the unauthorized use or misuse of fire safety

equipment or damage of said equipment.

14. Unauthorized or fraudulent use of College

facilities and/or equipment, or use of any of the

above for any illegal act.

15. Student behavior that may be self-injurious,

or potentially pose a risk of harm to the health,

safety, or property of any person or of the

College, or otherwise be dangerous.

16. Deliberate filing of false accusations of sexual


17. Any other act(s) on College property or at

College-sponsored activities that are in violation

of Maryland or federal law.

18. Knowingly violating the terms of any

disciplinary sanction imposed in accordance with

the Code of Student Conduct.