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2016/2017 fcc catalog


• 301.846.2400

Students found to be in violation of Academic

Integrity may receive sanctions imposed by the

faculty member in whose class the violation

occurred. Sanctions will increase in severity in

accordance with the level of the violation and/

or the number of prior documented violations.

The faculty member will confer with the Provost/

Vice President for Academic Affairs, who will

check the secured College tracking system to

determine if other recorded violations have

occurred prior to imposing a sanction. The

faculty member will confer with the Department

Chair and/or the appropriate Associate Vice

President to inform him/her of the sanction

determined to be appropriate.

Once a sanction has been imposed, the Provost/

Vice President for Academic Affairs will notify

the Registrar to remove the hold they previously

placed on the student account, unless the

sanction is a failing grade for the class, in which

case the hold will remain, and the student will

not be permitted to withdraw from the class.

3. Sanctions for Violations of Academic Integrity

a. First Violation

i. Students found in violation of Academic

Integrity for the first time will be assigned by

the faculty member a sanction appropriate

for the offense. The student will be informed

in writing, sent by registered and priority mail,

of the sanction by the faculty member. If the

appropriate sanction is determined to be

class failure, the faculty member must seek

approval from the Department Chair. If the

student requests to remain in the class and

the faculty member and Department Chair

approve, he/she may. Continued participation

will not change the assigned failing grade.

The faculty member must send a copy of the

sanction letter to the Provost/Vice President

for Academic Affairs who will update the

secured College tracking system.

ii. A copy of the student’s sanction letter will

be sent to the Department Chair and the

appropriate Academic Affairs Associate

Vice President. The appropriate Associate

Vice President will document the sanction

and inform the Provost/Vice President for

Academic Affairs who will ensure that the

sanction is recorded in the secured College

tracking system.

b. Second Violation

i. Students found in violation of Academic

Integrity for the second time, either in

the same course or a different course,

will be assigned, with the approval of the

Department Chair, a failing grade in the

course where the second violation occurred.

ii. The student will receive a sanction letter

from the faculty member. A copy of the

sanction letter will be sent to the Department

Chair and the appropriate Academic Affairs

Associate Vice President. The appropriate

Associate Vice President will document

the sanction and inform the Provost/Vice

President for Academic Affairs who will ensure

that the sanction is recorded as a second

violation in the secured College tracking


c. Third Violation

i. Students found in violation of Academic

Integrity for the third time, either in the

same or a different course, will be assigned,

with the approval of the Department Chair,

a failing grade in the class where the third

violation occurred. The student forfeits the

opportunity to repeat the course in question.

Additionally, the student will be referred

for appropriate action through the Code of

Student Conduct with the recommendation

that the student be expelled from the College.

4. Appeals

All appeals must be submitted in writing as

indicated below:

a. Appeal of Sanctions for First Violation –

Students who have been sanctioned for their

first violation of Academic Integrity for whom

the sanction was not class failure will have 7

workdays from the date of being notified of

the sanction to request an appeal. Failure to

request an appeal within the allotted timeframe

will result in the student’s waiver of the right

to appeal. A written request of appeal must

be submitted to the appropriate Associate

Vice President or Director. The Associate Vice

President will appoint the Department Chair

to schedule a meeting with the student, the

faculty member, and the Department Chair

within 10 workdays of receipt of the request for

appeal and will inform all parties of the date,

time, and location of the appeal hearing. Failure

of the student to appear for the appeal hearing

without prior notification or evidence of

extenuating circumstances, provided adequate

advance notice of the appeal hearing date,

time, and location has been given, results in a

waiver of his/her right for further appeal, and

the sanction imposed by the faculty member

will stand. The decision of the Associate Vice

President will be final. The Associate Vice

President will notify the student in writing

of his/her decision within 3 workdays of the


b. Appeal of First Violations that Resulted in Class

Failure and Second and Third Violations - All

appeals for sanctions of first violations resulting

in class failure and second and third violations

of Academic Integrity will proceed according

to the Student Grievance Procedure for Grades


procedure) and in the case of facilitation of

academic dishonesty, to the appeal process

for Code of Student Conduct Section VI of this


c. A copy of the appeal decision will be sent to the

Department Chair, the appropriate Academic

Affairs Associate Vice President, and the AVP/

DOS. The appropriate Associate Vice President

will document the decision of the appeal and

inform the Provost /Vice President for Academic

Affairs who will ensure that the determination

of the appeal is recorded in the secured College

tracking system.

B. Facilitation of Violations of Academic


1. The following prohibited conduct, when

committed by any student, or any student who

aids, abets, incites, or attempts to facilitate

violations of academic integrity by another

student, will be considered in violation of

the Code of Student Conduct. All reported

violations of the Code of Student Conduct in

which students facilitate violations of academic

integrity and their subsequent resolutions will

be monitored and managed by the office of the

AVP/DOS. Facilitating Violations of Academic

Integrity – intentionally, or knowingly, assisting

or attempting to assist another student in

violation of Academic Integrity. Examples

include but are not limited to:

a. Completing an academic activity in another


b. Permitting another student to copy one’s

work for an assignment, or examination.

c. Providing another student with unauthorized

material during an academic activity.

d. Collaboration with other students to

complete class assignments when prohibited

by the faculty member.

e. Providing examination information to

students in other course sections.

f. Selling, possessing, or purchasing

examinations, papers, or other assignments