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2016/2017 fcc catalog

C. Reporting Concerns

Faculty, staff, or student concerns about student

behavior may be reported by completing the

Behavior Evaluation and Response Team Report

form which can be accessed from Communication

Central or from the Academic Office Manager for

each academic area. Individuals not able to access

the report form can make a verbal report to the

Associate Vice President for Student Development,

the Executive Director of Counseling and Advising,

or the Assistant Director Risk Management/Public


D. Responding to Reports

1. If the reported behavior constitutes a violation

of an existing College policy or procedure, e.g.,

Classroom Behavior Procedure, the report will be

referred for response under the appropriate existing

College procedure.

2. Reports involving potential threats to the

health, safety, or property of any person or of

the College or of the security of the campus

will be communicated to the President or his/

her designee. In such cases, response will be in

accordance with established Crisis Management

policy and procedures.

3. Upon receipt of a report, the Associate Vice

President for Student Development or his/

her designee will undertake an investigation of

the facts that led to the reported concern. This

may include contacting the originator of the

report for additional details about the reported

behavior, obtaining collateral information about

the individual named in the report, such as his/

her current and prior class schedule, any prior

reports made to BERT or Campus Security, any prior

disciplinary action taken against the individual, etc.

4. The Associate Vice President for Student

Development or his/her designee will convene a

meeting of BERT members to review the report and

information obtained through the investigation.

As appropriate, the individual making the report,

or other persons deemed to have relevant

information or knowledge of the student and/

or the complained of behavior, may be asked to

attend some or all team deliberations.

5. As appropriate, the team members may

recommend that the student named in the

report be interviewed by a member of the team,

including any ad hoc members participating,

because of their knowledge of the student and/or


6. As appropriate, the team members may take

such informal actions as: (a) making suggestions or

recommendations to any faculty member or staff

member who has filed a report, and in compelling

circumstances, any student who has filed a report,

as to means by which to deal with the behavior

of the student who is the subject of the report; or

(b) requesting that a staff member in the College’s

advisory or other service area informally contact

the student, who is the subject of the report, in

order to suggest that the student meet with the

staff member for an informal discussion as to the

student’s well-being.

7. As appropriate, the team members may

recommend referral to existing campus services

(e.g., Services for Students with Disabilities)

or College sponsored resources (e.g., Student

Counseling Program).

8. As appropriate, the team members may

recommend to the Vice President of Learning

Support the implementation of specific College

procedures relating to disruptive behavior (i.e.,

Administrative Withdraw/Referral for Medical and/

or Psychological Evaluation).

9. Reports made to BERT, deliberations by team

members, and recommended response plans will

be maintained in a confidential file within the

office of the Associate Vice President for Student

Development. Information will be maintained

and disclosed in accordance with the College’s

compliance with the Family Educational Rights

Privacy Act (FERPA).

10. In instances in which team members decide

that action should be taken with respect to the

student, who is the subject of a report, as provided

in Paragraphs 7 and 8 above, the Team will provide

notice to the student that a report with respect to

him or her has been filed under this Procedure and

further, will describe the action under Paragraph 7

or 8 that is being recommended.

11. In all instances, the identity of the person

making a report will be maintained in confidence

to the extent reasonably possible by the BERT team

and those involved in deliberations and will not be

disclosed to the student who is the subject of the


12. Any person who makes a report under this

Policy in bad faith, or in order to intimidate or

harass another person will be subject to discipline,

up to and including dismissal from the College.

Closed Circuit Television


A. Purpose

The purpose of this procedure is to regulate the use

of video cameras to monitor and record College


B. Scope

This procedure applies to all College security/

safety/Testing Center personnel in the use of video

monitoring and recording equipment systems.

C. General Information

1. The Department of Risk Management and

Public Services (RMPS) is committed to

enhancing the quality of life of the campus

community by integrating the best practices

of public and private security with state-of-

the-art technology. A critical component of a

comprehensive security plan using state-of-the-

art technology is video surveillance.

2. The primary purpose of video technology is to

deter crime and to assist the security department

officers in protecting the safety and property of

the College community.

3. The primary purpose of video technology in the

Testing Center is to support The Testing Center

staff’s ability to maintain academic integrity.

Video technology (cameras) provides an efficient

strategy for proctoring students during exams.

This efficiency is a requirement for assessing the

quality of a college testing environment.

4. Video monitoring for security purposes and

for proctoring of exams in the Testing Center

will be conducted in a professional, ethical and

legal manner. Personnel involved in the use of

video equipment will be appropriately trained

and supervised in the responsible use of this


5. Information obtained through video recording

and/or monitoring will be used for security and

law enforcement purposes and for compliance

with College regulations. Information obtained

through video recording/ monitoring will only be

released when authorized by the Vice President

for Administration. Information obtained

through video recordings and/or monitoring in

the Testing Center will be used to support the

Testing Center and the College’s procedures on

academic integrity. Silent video may be placed

in a classroom or private office for a targeted

concern or upon request of the principal

occupants. It will be placed in a classroom or

private office only with the knowledge and

consent of the principal occupant, unless the

monitoring is part of a criminal investigation.